Wasn't Easy. Doomrobo waz heer.

gemadar was here... weldan was here sn4re is here yo doublebeta pwnd level1! It is a trap! and so it begins for snap-- haykuro was here :) w4rm00z comming back for more... sandalle has made it to Level2, huzzah

znet was messin' around here :)

eish ca merda facil crl :facepalm: Sam , paso al 3er nivel... bien por fefo! _numbers 2 nepalihacker was here

Chupacabras12 was here

D34Dsun wasn't here

k1MeK was herecat README

k1MeK was here

mkultra was here on Fri Jan 22 18:55:50 UTC 2010 lolz karunkun here was.

lolz karunkun here was.

chrisbdaemon was here.. I tried... gradius - 01.22.10 18:30

angeloc was here

h42 :)

dasterdly is on the case



*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****

got it!
Xtazy was here

el flaco was here

<<< cRiTiCalMaNiAc >>>

Welcome boys ;)... Folk

Lui2000 was here ;-)

Im 6l4ck3y3. this is my twitter.

happy_max was here once LaVerdad was here! And wtf??? That was level 1?? I will get Pwned x_x

Moebius wasn't here



--- Magnefikko ---

### ikarus was here ### teh revolution is near

bngweber was here and pwnd level1

OMG greetz to estvan and the niggers\!\!

got bitches twice as hot as Ice LaFox

hamani was here :)

HaxoGreen 2010 - the Hackers' Summercamp in Luxembourg

HaxoGreen 2010 rulez!

banana! ... err wait, no i mean oorang3 was here. Dvorak42 might have been here.

Pnut was here and mushroom stamped level1

eXXon was here

digcon9 was here and will fuck Katya very soon ;)

opnet just super 1337 h4x0r3d this shit (joke)

0pnet was here

->script>alert:('Hiko made it to act 2') ->script>alert('Hiko made it to act 2') x3n0n waz h3r3 cd tags!

cipher was here

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

SmallGods rocked through here like a noob on crack..

Orl was there (with your mother)

xinapse was here [lc]lamerlord was here.
X-N2O was here :o mkwest was here
phetips was here
le caca c'est surpuissant blade was here //disable was here yo
//disable was here yo
Larika was here
Harvester was here [2010-04-21] }:D And Larika forgot to close the bold font :P
wowza. mc_teo was so totally owning :P

melvinxie is here.

hello, world! madeyes ftw ejwaxx wuz in yur binariez, huntin yur passwerdz I was here

Pi3rrot was Here

ASzY was here and pwnd level1

Leet HaXXorz @ 024

Lockdown Was Here - RTB - OTW - TC


BlueSpartan was here

Yakko waz here

Digi was here

fr4k xmasta a.K.a l0cus came by :P


this was easy. mat panic was here kogee4 was here :P I AM RANADEEP .... BHAI ... HELLO


GOHAN ROCKSls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwd

When all else fails, BruteForce is always an option


c\zero was here.

->script type=text/javascript>alert(bluesoul120 was here);document.write(bluesoul120 was here);

bluesoul120 was here

->script type='text/javascript'>alert('bluesoul120 was here');document.write('bluesoul120 was here');

bluesoul120 was here

BuddhaMonk was here.

r3v3r7 and Ahlspiess here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
BrianWGray 17:00 06.01.2010


was here 03.06.2010



phoenix of fire was here. And yes he's still around in the scene.

fb1h2s was here and pwnd level1

The chain in those handcuffs is high-tensile steel. It'd take you ten minutes to hack through it with this. Now, if you're lucky, you could hack through your ankle in five minutes. Go.

DGtal was here

thehappyhacker123 was here
vody onLoad=javascript:alert('Chronus was here...=)');

Chronus was here...

->script>alert(Jappan Was Here);

greetings from 0xvm/GR

milis.co.cc El OGT de HaDeS/Sinfocol.org paso por aqui eSh. +ok I weren't here, you never saw me, ok
ENSEI was here and did some cool RE shit ;)
dxer was here


was here

Bodo.. Bodo.. Bodo...
root of rootx



sshinobi was not herepR13st ws here

pR13st ws here


phreek was herecd level2

sharvil was here.



wuz hier

986 - Szevasztok magyarok!

frett was here :)

PuN1sh3r was here (^_^)

PuN1sh3r was here (^_^)

EPIC WIN by nullsub_ w00t-rumorclear

ogouninfosec was here. Level 1 not too bad, would suck if you don't know any *nix at all though.


alwklee was here and pwnd level1

alwklee was here and hacked level1

alwklee was here and find this fun to beat level1.

intelshoe was here.

alwklee was here and I'm loving it.

bigadownabelowa was to big for lvl 1

Hello World!

w4n4b33 the n00b made it to level2

level 1 poinded

Prapti was here and pwnd level1

MJZA komiyan wanted to do it again backend has moved to http://backend.cc/ mru was ere


toto was here ->script>alert('wired_al was here!')

wired_al was here



Xylos made it...

sayem pwned level01

Frobenius was here

evolution was here bitches

It's possible to do level1 from an android phone

L1quidSnak3 W4s H3re

ipchain was herepico tags!

ncpi was herepico tags!

HST did it __--== Sand ==--__

ad0nis was here

miniBill passed here

I need TP for my bunghole

gray_hat made it to level2 without a problem.
perdita2000 It's a Trap ./level01 omgpassword
weldan was here I'm in LEVEL 2ls! (Warchild) maze says hi hacker07 was here



fabian pwns

secfreak0 was here

Xti9er waz heer.

hunter was here and pwnd levle1

->script language='javascript'>china hunter was here->script>

hunter was here and pwnd levle1

CasperKid is here ^o^~

Kevin2600 was here

pepe le vamp made love to ur mom


truenite pwnd level1... thata was easyls

skinp got here...

s0m31el5e was here too



It was too simple.

King_of_Braves woncd ~

kingofbraves was here and beat level1

dudeman was here <('.'<)

Fallen was here. Ohhhh yeaaaaa.

R0w4n Wuz H3r3!

Shredder was here! >D

l00t was here

Strix's 1337n355 grows
Strix blah blah blah and all that... the great and mighty chesspuff was here lies the chesspuff is not so great and mighty so says the bunny


unbelievable! asaaki from mannazwas here!
amazing! asaaki from mannaz was here!


al hazayin ben zona

Gamehacker953 was here xD yay

Gamehacker953 Was Truely here weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

zenbits were here

zenbits gdbed the hell out of it

noobster was here.

noobster sez objdump iz wey to g0!


Phantom-overide was here hehehe

eljay pwnded level1 \o/

troox was here.

io:~$ xlro was here

Jargon was here! <3

->script onload="document.body.style.background = '#ffffff';" />

Jargon was here (again)! <3

Jargon was here (double-again)! <3

<\!-- hehehehe -->->script>
I claim this territory on behalf of irc.80h.org.
s3my0n was here

SLAYER9019 was here...wadup woo? SLAYER9019 WAS HERE SLAYER9019 WAS HERE.....WADUP WOOO I'm here, Eric.<\b> HoHo, Eric w*ldc4rd wuz here

Squirrel wuz here

pvl1 was here and pwnd level1

sean was here bitchez

http://theamazingking.com was here

scumbag waz ere 2k11 0wned like a br0

Icarus410 was here on January 26th, 2011, fun was had

Icarus410 has here fun was had
retrop waz ere retrops python script just owned level 2

W@l0rd was here

Dude2 was [t]here Darkstar 02-02-11 I am ZFASEL and I can hax0r the intertubes Rawb totallt pwnd level1
pwned by 107701 slashd been here at. 18 08:05:41 UTC 2011



Darth Vader was here!

Greado was here

ctx was here

Tina was here

HunterX was here!

Pepelux was here and pwnd level1

Pepelux was here and pwnd level1

freener was here, it is fun

i own dis box CONSUME LSD ON A DAILY BASES FOR GOOD HEALTH twocaret^ derp derp

thaiboxer broke the code and pwnd level1

Fixations - Trust Your Technolust - ->script>alert:('Fixations - Trust Your Technolust -') Fixations -Trust Your Technolust

z3r0 was here gunma was here

Gunma Was Here

gunma was here cold lonely binaries -CROATOAN-

ccccDDDDizzzzzle allllll up hurr22222

P1ra_ was here. SiLeNtp0is0n.. garage4hackers.com and indishell.in

www.indishell.in hello world MisterOink was here


imsoniac read a readme

FuzzyNop wuz hier

TheGuyOfDoom was here

eth0 wuz here

lolomgwtfbbq -PorkChop

I is so l33t aka blah was here

vietnq68 was here

troker was here

troker was here
the_treemeister was here
pride PWN3D by pride
3rror:flam3r was here .. 3rr0r:flam3r is still here to watch at your cats x__X



NASa was here and got the password by using command strings in level1

zeti was here It's a long int way to the top -wintermute- genix owns you box j4ck somnus was here very easy you retards. stop writing comments here. ~dae

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

Neon was here and pwnd level1

kia08 here

minh_minh was here ^^

d0kwh0 was 'ere ->script>alert("hahahahahahahaha\nhkkiw0823 is forever");



got confident with this level RIT WAS HERE L3st3r was here jiva[disekt] ->script>alert(owned); You're all a bunch of retards.

aabed was here

le-chuck the undead pirate

inductor destroyed this challenge

e0s is sort of here it's a start... -rma LOLUMAD? brassmonk was here but not to stay he smoked a jay and flew away MikeMatrix was here! :D OH HAI INTERNETZ skier_ big hecker was here

van7hu was here

^El-|2engO^ was here


3x5h4n was here

Torian @ Thu Jun 2 01:59:49 UTC 2011

Phizo is a Fag jaz was here DipSwitch: 2011-32-09

msbachman: Fri Jun 10 00:54:31 UTC 2011

pleb was here

Lo logre con algo de ayuda

->script>alert(Vivaa pase el primer nivel, con un poco de ayuda);

der dude war hier

mobiusot was here toybomb was here CRISIS PRECIPITATE CHANGE Androsa Wins! Androsa pwner stejkezie was here. hardcore ->script>alert(stejkenzie qwned lvl1. hardcore, eh?);

Dr.Optix aka DrOptix

.::Kmakan pwnd lvel1::.

v1ck was here

Yeah! Mash the n00b beginner did finish level1 ;)

jtsan was here! :3

Jolyan was here

OMG didit 0x90-sg was here 0011011000111001
oops ^^ tmuck haha drwhax was here

lavamunky was here

3ntropy was here I may have been there. arkhard was there printf("Hello stack smashing world\n");

Rothon was here

Barba esteve aqui Ewerton D. Lima BR :D eQuiNoX__ was here Juliano was here. zomg too easy Samtex was here! :D



sisyphus rolled his rock past level1

M4nn1M4mmu1 was here and did it

XiX beat level1 while scratching his ass

Dr. 104 was here

badeip was here

badeip was here

Xaci passou por aqui filhos da puta.

cniu here, first try to debug programs in Linux. ;D

Tropeco esteve aqui fudendo tudo Looka thar! Phr34k learned somethin today!

Hacker Evolution:tomgeorge...

AnonSovok was here at Fri Jul 29 03:01:55 UTC 2011 Warlink was herels

Helter-Skeletor is on his way.

joikus was here and pwnd level1

needless was here, did you expect anything else? d3phyl3r was here peann has cometh. pwnz0r was here, Greetings from Turkey, ---KAHROLSUN PKK, YASASIN YUCE TURK MILLETI, 8 SEHIDIMIZIN KANI YERDE KALMAYACAK--- Regards to Esra Akan 'neyi hackledin :D' , la birde neyi hackledin der ya :)

Sooooorrry... Esra, forgive me :)

und3r_c0d3 was here

nailed it... -dyntryx

Weeehaaaaa pwnd lvl1 -> :X

dje was here pieechan was here Grum Was Here


b0red got b0red on level1 ;D

Lovly Spid3r ws here

b33f begins the IO challenge, tryharder TM

Dioseph was here

_master was here

AMol_NAik was here and pwnd level1

...gad it... ow the true is always behind what the eye sees:) Mastropiero was here

pw0ned by Skid

Cianciiiiiii du Huuuuuung

Cianciiiiiii du Huuuuuund

lol dongs lol doppler

qnix was here

chrissy was here

->script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='Bman was here'; polwel was here bill_s was here

so easy - Spacewoox

piece of cake. Ghsin.Win was here!

Muahaha! platypus42 forever! @Sa3dTalaat (y0da)
m4f10 made it to level 2
enn ess was here testtest

Bi[g]Bu[g] was here

Ziddy Was Here

soulfood00 was here and pwnd level1

Michelle is amazing, I love her (and like felicity) nobody cares Wizzup is a faggot.

Zenchreal was here!

uid0owl was here

dr0pper of DC 501 was here. Greetings to Snide and Quin Develin.

IceCat from the l33thackers.com was here 2011

IceCat from the l33thackers.com was here 2011

fergus level2@io:/home/level1$

Yay!! That was easy. But fun :-) Oh, and fat-lobyte was here!

Ragas managed this one flowerman represents crd is stringing your elfs riley wuz here Cool game, doubt I'll get very far though.

Aweosme game! - Stanni

I have a cold, and am home from school today. ohai ~Arsecroft


this time kurai stopped by for some orange juice host-ranger was here Took the first step

bullsworth wuz here

Exallium was here.

m4t pwned level 1

pdah was here

m4t pwned the level01

sm0ke was here

gallium was here

xen0nite was here >:]

g4mm4 dep trai this server is way cool

u just got served

ryuuu made it

Horray for me toast

uid=1002(level2) gid=1002(level2) groups=1002(level2),1029(nosu) ->meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=http://io.smashthestack.org:84/tags/">

Spoonman was here and pwnd level1

thc was here\n zertux was here ^H^H^H^H^H

YES I CAN lucien

bILLyMeTER wuz here

Hughe was here

Hola ---jagy-- sono riuscito a fare il mio primo passo (sid)

strudels got to level2

Rasko was here

Insinyur was here :-)

monsi was here

tekwizz123 was here

Wheeeee madness was here pwn level1

mugundhan is here

RO - thats one

Some guy who doesn't want to be named just wrote this...

->script>alert('Some guy who doesn't want to be named just wrote this...') \niphwned it in\n

catchra was here

Aerodonkey visited here.

SonikArc was here

hkmix was here


->script> alert('Yargh was here...') This was not easy, but Magical_Cactus did it

sam was here

K3ycr45h3r was here

Just Be Cool Mogget was here

Snak3 was here lvl1 pwnd

i printfd it Scruffy was here Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable


smash logo is here

>ADARSH IS HERE->script src=www.google.com>alert(ADARSH IS HERE HI HI HI ); \n\n

HaxBig doing Big Hax, shouts to STS



was here on 1-1-12, Linux and unix ftw

llk cleared level1


j was here That was easy -- jjc




was here... well that was easy, but its the first one--- ->script>alert(TESTING);

Preju broke it

=P by nickgame

nomnom go nomnom

_k3k3 was here ^_^ ekekek

prowler was here

Tom a reussi le level 1 ! Pas mal pour un debut ! yaap too ;)

i was here (ama)

nin dun higgityhaxed lol nin was here -->

unimi dominates by enigma

SilentScream pwnd level1

XyberFox was here

Knull was here and pwnd level1

//mulitia was here [1.15.2012] morph drank some tea HELL YEE Lenreks was here

rooter, just beginning xD

~To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password. / HateJacket

albay was here

->script type="text/javascript">alert('Yes, a black background, that makes black text real easy to read! ~DegreesKelvin')
wont was here gr00ve_hack3r was here
<--gr00ve_hack3r was here -->

Rex Dark just got passed level 2.

Ovar Feisyl completed level1

Wassup My Brothas!<

researcher was here

PLUS_forever! yo.................... i won this shit yo
PhantomCode was also here. Original, no?
I'm12whatisthis failure is not an option JM2000 was here

Kay sped through.

LOLNANE was here

LOLNANE was here

LOLNAME was here

sad. I found L1 pass in tags. :/

C0ST4 was here and pwnd level1

Aug was here...



So yeah, L1 was pretty easy. -42 GLAURUNG MADE IT ... 4t00ll says Ohai ! kups was here declipse goes ACK! THHHPPPPTTT! sphaaz was here :p Mr. B0jangles says YO lol :)

m3h haxors this shit 18.02.2012

unexplored was here on Feb 20, 2012

It was easier than I thought
Snafu was here ColdwaterQ made it Siliconcow was here pvinis //-.-// JonK was here hebz0rl was here ->script type='text/javascript'>alert('nightc00k was here and pwnd level1')

Green was here

Gustavo was here! :D v01d was here |\|1|)|-|7
->meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='5;url=http://www.google.com' />

jolly green giant broke level1\!

PaladinOfKaos isn't a complete moron cardz wuz here spike.grobste.in CU Ethical Hackers - JS

lirane was bored.

->script>alert(tekwizz123 was here) tekwizz123 was here, easy level :D

Rsx200 - Was Here

made it...

I'm a hacker D:

jontsai was here

Xarts19 PWND previous level :)))))) ==[Nox]== ->script>while(1) alert('la la la');
nevermore Soulou is here
dgilperez estuvo aqui !!!
glguy checking in k r was here bgs100 was here! :D lbl just starting out this is luke jtajtajta



Caesar was here afix was here

Bm37 Was here :)

karchnu was here...

__Calv_Dee__ rips code K4k was here

heh. stoy

mastahyeti i talked to a girl today :) nah :( p1n00n3: Responsible Mass Destruction!

MisanthropicITGremlin, now with extra misanthropy\!

L0rd And0r waz here! someone was here...


Aldasa was only passing through

8bec & gnu5stack were here

waveguide made it :) NoS was here... greetings from Munich :) T3D was here

gmm09 was here and totally saw the password in the binary. omglolz

SpYdoR was here and pwnd level1

too damn easy -- mike

Go go go ... greetz from Learning Expertise

DoughMan was here

Wooo my first wargame

Alaa Mubaied was here and pwnd level1

devoidfury was here ^^

nabacg was here and pwnd level1

mrp0pper was here

pyggy pygged a pyg

RAZ was here

Nabacg was here and owns level 2

action09 was here ->script>alert("BAcha na Hukany!")
___  _________ ___                         _                   
| \/ || ___/ _ \ | |
| . . || |_ / /_\ \ __ ___ _ ____ | |__ ___ _ __ ___
| |\/| || _|| _ | \ \ /\ / / | | |_ / | '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _ \
| | | || | | | | | \ V V /| |_| |/ / | | | | __/ | | __/
\_| |_/\_| \_| |_/ \_/\_/ \__,_/___| |_| |_|\___|_| \___|
TheOnion :)

EnzoMatrix was here

bdw 20120307 sebast26 was here

cerqueirainfo was here

arick_goo was here

->script type="text/javascript">document.body.innerHTML='ianonavy trumps all!'; document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#fff"; document.body.style.color = "#000";alert('ianonavy was here!'); Raustin Balls

dubbs is b3ast

filipg was here Fatticus was here

Fatticus was here

Have you heard the joke about the bread? It's pretty stale. -Oace bitGrid was here

coldbite escalated to level 2

SOCretary SMASH! SMASH good! toshi was here

Solved by BadEIP

Stringy was here, perhaps a little late to the game

I was here by maitre_c

All youse geeks suck

mrantims was here and pwnd level1

Pheimors salutes ya

zxt'n'pgr were here hyperion was here\! Vitaly R. from M. was here

penya was here

philkav was here. Phil loves Emily GPICASSO

how the hell did I get in here? lolzz

dvier was here Owned by XheRiCo too ...



Cadu - USP - IME - LCPD

that was fun

w4fthru)n!r was here and pwnd level1

no idea what im doing

daemoneye was here

Scilicet was here too hard for me -- moormaster

apelord was here :)

apelord was here :)

TriCk, Phantom & Axiom Was Here - #TeaMp0isoN


HAWHAWHAW mrk was here

elmiguel made it here at some point by accident Inseto_Verde

opie came in level1's mouth

->script>alert('fiKi was here 2');


Ash finds passwords during lunch.

Wasnt hard...

diocles woz 'ere

The cow says moo

mtzguido lol cron410 - this is fun :)

Ikor shits on your doorstep.

WasnT hard... :D Ya'll iz niggs Looks like fun :P ~Irenicus09 let's look. \b\b\b\b\b\b

Oyster was here

wicker wuz here.

ttsiod was here r00tshell~ dafuq xgeek was here AngelsJinx

DirtD SMASHED level01 4-20-2012

DirtyD SMASHED level01 4-20-2012

Arf! :3

palm33r was here

rwar was here

HASSAN ALI RAZA was here & pwnd the Level 2 :)


IceFly was hurr


GR3Y_4R34 thinks that smashthestack is legit. Keep up the good work guys. d00zer was here

Alkerak was here.

Atranimus was never here. If you have noticed something suspicious, take a look behind of you.


Greetings from the UK! @ 19:16 on Sunday May 6th 2012.

Muffins was here...Mreeeowls! May 2012


JGCHILL 05-07-2012

prox chillin in level2


Doktor Unicorn diagnoses this as easy. Also looking for good deals on oscilloscopes if you know of any.
narzeja was here
where am i... what? Shawn the R0ck just passed the pwn level 1...keep up with further hack <==> May 14 2012 Beijing, China

cyberturtle was here

cyberturtle was here


->script>prompt('highjack'); ->script>prompt('highjack','highjack'); ->script type=text/javascript>alert(MT Casan0va was here)

MT Casan0va was hereecho anshul

->script type=text/javascript>alert(MT Casan0va was here)

MT Casan0va was here


segf4ult was here

I am lucky. Mek was here afx010 was here pete was here

mrfirebug was here

h0wl was here ;) www.gr00vehack3r.wordpress.com

Peri was here

ILusciffer 0wnZ nemo was here mutex was here d0lph1n was here ->script>alert('Bambi made it')


crazyBigDan was here paisible est fatigu N0K7urn@L hacked the idiot test gEEkYtUx was here -.- PorkChop - who is homer simpson, and what does he do

14-6-2012: Errestan125: Level Two

impervious made his mark here barfoos was here thanks guys, this is great\!-b1be5040 Kand was here Just leaving a note, bye.. fatalerror passed

Vayu was here and pwned level1

Shalki was here and pwned level1

bashd hat level01 geknackt\!


was funny 13-45 therunner

13-45 therunner

13-45 therunner

AcvKaZe FTW Quote was here. Veni, vidi, vici. --Deox Crown got it Crown got it [?12;25h [46;1H"/tmp/mjg/csh" 15L, 308C [1;2H____________ ___ [12C| | | | ________ | | | | | _____ \ | | | | |/ ___\ \| | | | || | __ | | | || |___ | |_| | | ||___ || _ | | | | ||__| | | | |.___| | | | | ||_____/ /| | | | |________/ | | | [13C| | | |_____________| |___| [34m~ [17;1H~ [18;1H~ [19;1H~ [20;1H~ [21;1H~ [22;1H~ [23;1H~ [24;1H~ [25;1H~ [26;1H~ [27;1H~ [28;1H~ [29;1H~ [30;1H~ [31;1H~ [32;1H~ [33;1H~ [34;1H~ [35;1H~ [36;1H~ [37;1H~ [38;1H~ [39;1H~ [40;1H~ [41;1H~ [42;1H~ [43;1H~ [44;1H~ [45;1H~ [46;141H1,2 [46;141H2,1 [46;1HType :quit to exit Vim [?1049l ____________ ___ | | | | | | | | [?1049lVim: Caught deadly signal TERM Vim: Finished. [46;1H

tgudlek was here.

Mr. A hacked it.....bewarevi .passits show time now..

YOa im officialy in

yea i did it

hullawulla :-)

Yo dawg. Im in
-- psygate

b0r3md0nk3y was here... or so the m0nkey claims

little bit harder - blazed


Errhal was here Herpaderple - Cl0ne Arrived

ghost hacked --s9ghost

sprizzle was here suckas

Nice Higgs field you got there! -- leon

loxiran loves you! Hello there.

did it

el conjo and el ballo wuz here voxsim was here and pwnd level1 :)


Mi 1. Aug 16:40:21 UTC 2012 --- tententen ->meta http-equiv="refresh" content="15; url=http://io.smashthestack.org:84/tags/level03.html"> ->meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://io.smashthestack.org:84/tags/level03.html"> Redirect proudly presented by SleepProgger ;) MrButtons made shit of level01, 'twas a piece of piss, to be sure


lol, sarah is cool.

pretty cool stuff, I'm scared to become addicted :-D , thx to sts for this.

YaRoZe wazz here :D


Fun was had with level1. Time to progress. Thx sts. Atrus - level 2 achieved ->meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url=http://www.yougotrickrolled.com/'>


BADBOY DID IT Neo139 was here at 2012-08-09. Ven0m was here lucky was testing paper products of doom

easy. - chocolaterazorblades

Cole was here, probably not going to be able to make it to level 3

dokshor was here

jackhandy: wis+1


Cabez was here (+297)

R3dCard was here =)

There is only Zool ->script type=text/javascript> alert(l3nny was here)

.: Mobai was here :.

bunda gorda

I was here

Danzar was here till the smell ran him off

N33t3x W4S h3R3

supercool just pwnd level1

j9x.inca wasn't here tuxx visited level2 09/21/2012

FrZ is cool

jw_ was here

Pacman was here and pwnd level1

Injection Mark was here

Klick3R SayS KlicK

[Insert generic hacker comment here] -- Fleischregen hoory for me Reaper was here

kobaymobay was here and pwnd level1

kobaymobay was here

kobaymobay was here

Zenrandom needs food, badly.

T3h Gr33kZ0rZ w@z h3r Marietta was here.

mattnworb was here too!

SoulSaber1 vikky was here level 2 smashed

ichiro asks level1: should I slice this up for the road?

spassino was here

deepblue waas here

-- estr4ng3d

->script type=text/javascript>alert(T3rm1ght waz h3r3);document.write(T3rm1ght waz h3r3);

T3rm1ght waz H3r3

-- cheese monkey woz here


Zach Denton was here...

jgr3ndal pwned yo box baby

jgr3ndal pwned yo box baby_level02

erikjwaxx estaba en nivel 2
darknessproz was here YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [xjaphx] - Level 1: Accomplished. ~[Z1N]~ Pwns this lvl. -Denzuko

[voket] Progress!

ChinkInArmor made it here... so did everyone else

tw33dl3 was here

Sidrus was here

Jredville was here, jredville is everywehere

groke was here

Blessed by ZeroO

zeebee_mtoo was here : 116af733a11eda8be968a9835afb7048 PPlanel was here ;) Peace 9.24.2012 /me wuz her too

freakode beat level 1 yeeee

The Corpse is alive in level2

krunsh was here warzer0 was here too.

Doktor Unicorn finally beat level11, only to find the passwords up to level11 were changed. At least the levels were changed as well so it isn't the exact same thing.

my name is not important was here

I beat level 1 L1K5_A_B055.


janus was here, cipki

ablan was here

Ceryn was here :D

Quite easy by far huh ? Crossfold was here again ->script>alert('CROSSFOLD WAS HERE :D QUITE EASY HUH?')

Diode crushed level 1

cosarara97 was here and pwnd level1\!


fuck shit piss cocks s3my0n says hi o/ dNk here and ready to hack pentagon


Freenetwork was here ^_^ Petrusd987 was here 0.o "Wanna get high?" "Wanna get high?" - The Wise Words of Towelie from South Park Petrusd987 wuz here >8-) ______ ________ _______ ___/ __ \ / _____/ / ___\ \/ /> Derp solved level1~


jacko, no drama here


Feng's here M4ngo fso was here :) s@mba was here.... ->script> function belbesyfunc() { alert('Ba3sha2ek :*'); } ->script type='text/javascript'>window.onload=function(){document.body.innerHTML = '';}


ShellSpawn twas here, Horse...
tlei was here\!
took er dubs

Maxewell says hi

Vaelia - 1 down

Blaistivort has entered level2. Moving on.

hellok since 2012_11_27 Fussi was here 12-11-30 negasora

Another random WannaBe solved Level1 :3

->script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='Sechs - 2012/12/18'; gorfou Wed Dec 12 14:27:49 UTC 2012 dxr0ts maker-u`

dsr was here and pwnd level1

pfr was here

K.I.Z Crew war hier

lumelster was here


[84rn] - checkd

Arrhenius was here

xchg @ FIIT STU was here lumelster waz here

I was here, aushaushaushausha<\p> fuckyeah bl00dr3d was herels

                                                              *************                  *****                 ***      **
     *****          *****  *****                              ******                         **  **              **  **   ******
    **   ***   **   *****  *****   *****    **       ***         ***   ***   ***    *****    **  ***   *****     **  ***  ******
    ***        **   ****** *****   ******   **       *** ***     ***   **    ***   **  ***   **  **   **  ***    **         **
     **        **   ** ****** **   **  **   **        ** ***     ***   *********   *******   ******   *******     ****      **
     ****      **   ** *****  **   **  **   **        **  **     ***   *********   ***       ******   ***           ***     **
      ****     **   *** ****  **   *****    **         *****     ***   ***  ****   ***       *** **   ***            **     *****
       ****         ***       **   **       ******       **      ***   ***  ****    *****    **  **    *****    ***  ***   *****
        ****        ***      ***   **       ******        *     ****   ***  ****             ******              ******
         ***        **       ***   **                 *   *
***********                  ****  ***                *****

pwn3d this SmashTheStack challenge!

v0idshell - Tue Mar 5 09:29:09 MSK 2013

Comas was here

theplague was here 8/3/12

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- bricklayer was here aus Regards, Mawekl

diaZer0 was here

C0deH4cker was here\n a wild CYX has appeared

I think the most hilarious part about all this is the huge amount of people who insert malicious <script> tags in here. Like really. Do they expect that to work. :| All they're doing is hiding their own stuff, when someone views the page with Javascript disabled. Oh well. Their loss.


Iskren Hadzhinedev was here. hello from a female programmer lol a CHERYL cat leaves her pawprints here...

a CHERYL cat leaves her pawprints here...

Faith was here

fuck yeah - this is bestafubana baby

Greeting from Poland. mike


Owned in 15 seconds by Luna ->script> alert('I win. YAY')script> alert('I win. YAY') phez0rd [io] ferry was her ferry was here naraic is awesome Admincheg complite level 01

Pwned by TheBugEater

->script>alert(TheBugEater was here); TaicaTunet says: We just upped this shit to the next level, yo! poorkid

Eddy was here :)

switha was here and pwnd level1
btw the shell is really slow ... maybe its my terrible internet ...


x3l2 h3r3.

style was here hahaha

sw1ndle was here ^_^chris was here :)<\p> silenceandshadow

|akh| was here


Saif Was Here!!!

pwned by jinmo123

mes couilles sur ton nez kokjo was here

~~~ o dDuCk htan edw.. :) ~~~

~~~ o dDuCk htan edw.. :) ~~~ Porridge was eaten here

nitin was here and pwnd level1

HPPRINTER I am not good with the computers ->script>alert('dnatrixene135 was here\!);script>alert('dnatrixene135 was here\!'); G2K2EP1luDpdNQ patacca was here I passed level one, which puts me above most of the unwashed masses who can't even logon deox was here m0ngrel was here

r14s31k3n was here at level2

WIN! by xfelix ->script>level2 nanooq was here


Kitties was here. Nyan!~


philorat was here

Hello everyone :) Polaris was here I love Amanda pwd was here ->script>console.log('no tears, only dreams now...') Alan Messias aka alacerda fr0g was here ... (hwc-crew.org // n-pn.info // frog-security.fr)

inphi was here... no sweat

Tristus was here

Neckbeards FTW! I don't even...

And out of nowhere XSS appears Sean was here Boran was here har har har crimson is here here here Niggers tongue my anus by www.niit.edu.cn ->script>alert('www.niit.edu.cn')->script> hades on the way to zeus suntzu_II was here Cespanar was here.. j4ck was here 23.06.2013 |-)

GaKon was here...

javascript:alert('GaKon was here... :}'); vuongnq was here mittenman was here n0b0dy\n Severus was here on level2 LeTienKinh was here


Porkchop was here.... instead of working ;)

pentesterasia was here and pwnd level1


0xdeadbeef hetal was here

belzik was here

Hello, Jin Chen-Xin was here AB was heree mynamenixname was here Who is John Galt? Stendarr is here folks, passing from l1 npulse was here

ottoman was here

\m/ h@rdball \m/


ForgottenNode; moving on up undefinedundefined xox

diseasedmink was all up in here.

MEH, I've seen better. Still pretty clever though. GG -SegF.py

hrnz war hier und wartet auf xyn

mineo was here as well hrnz, ich bin da. XyN funct1on was here \n silkut was here for the new level generation. greets to danux mitnick from the _real_ s3gfault

9to5cynic - Aug. 13, 2013


[esc]ism Gizmo say booo n1x0n was here... Have I really made it to level2? Geez that was easy :) -- NXrock88 m00mba f0und 1t. plamdown (level1) : done


By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes... -n8fear HOORAY Digizeph passed the first level Jews did 9/11

packetphantom was here and pwnd level1

yalls some scrubs

HN was here

Piffdos beat level1

jsanders still chugging...


The dog star (Sirius) is the brightest star in the sky - don't ever underestimate a dog - Advice from the DogHacker tenrinhas esteve aqui!!!!

kravich was here

cricci and sensei was here nokachi was here Ruhr Uni Bochum was here

I'm just spamming here...
- y4llow

nix_xin was here, level1 was taken

selamat malam BedIntruderz were here robe_and_wizard_hat OnanBarbarian was here shareef12
free the bits Newbrict is 2 pro 5 u romeupalos


->script>alert("Thomas"); tacocat ftw

e05h was heree ^^

wasmaro was here and pwnd level1

Laughing_man was here join irc.prooops.eu :-) Hello World

wasmaro was here

QEDD was here

pouze was here

Eike got to level 2!

Alien was here


jubax made itecho jubax made it! Hex was here

miangino esto es un pepino! was here and pwnd level1

skotch figured out level1!

b0rk b0rk

Iig0t1t hihihi ..:::::::::.. ..:::aad8888888baa:::.. .::::d:?88888888888?::8b::::. .:::d8888:?88888888??a888888b:::. .:::d8888888a8888888aa8888888888b:::. ::::dP::::::::88888888888::::::::Yb:::: ::::dP:::::::::Y888888888P:::::::::Yb:::: ::::d8:::::::::::Y8888888P:::::::::::8b:::: .::::88::::::::::::Y88888P::::::::::::88::::. :::::Y8baaaaaaaaaa88P:T:Y88aaaaaaaaaad8P::::: :::::::Y88888888888P::|::Y88888888888P::::::: ::::::::::::::::888:::|:::888:::::::::::::::: ::::::::::88::88::88:::88::::::::::'


bl was here

ID101010 was here

T30 was here ! with krikri

All bow down for The N00Bk1ng..........Hail Cabez

All bow down for The N00Bk1ng..........Hail Cabez

{1...100} micka was here mdube was here CHAPUT solution make love here

packetnull was here.. going up

britpr0n Jepo was here mofo BOARwnage was here Nick Hilton was here

alcedine smashed the stack.

nice game! Tarso was here ;) Sechs was here again Turtle1000 I am awesome.... NOT anilmwr was here Here i am Vivek Prabhakar was here: 4th Jan 2013 Vivek Prabhakar was here: 4th Jan 2013 as vivek.p saguaro1234 Aliadon was here terabit from ##hackers on freenode was here

mrtux was here

mrtux @ freenode ##hackers was here Haki, walking the path to become a pirate king. oldtopman krash was here G@torb8d found it vileda was here, wow all of u r skids

Kitties was here, Nyan\!\~


jacquerie was here YOLO SWAG CHRISS

even junk beat this level bitches

stayready haxhaxhax

Naam was here (Jan 2014). yobttocs was here fuhgeddaboudit ....###....##.....##.########.########...#######..######## ...##.##....##...##.....##....##06.02##.##.....##......##. ..##...##....##.##......##....##.2014##.##.....##.....##.. .##.....##....###.......##....########..##.....##....##... .#########...##.##......##....##...##...##.....##...##.... .##.....##..##...##.....##....##....##..##.....##..##..... .##.....##.##.....##....##....##.....##..#######..########

Jajanka is entered.

sto Strong very strong

Jasoutrance was here

Gruma was here.

Ph@x0r wuz hr k@tie iz a bst

DoubleD was NOT here...
...By the way, password to level2 is not level2

->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); zero Influence wuz here tod zhang enter level two tod zhang pass level two gx86/2014 ->script>alert(flincllck)

Jerwen est presque pass et vous dit bonne nuit

PrimaMateria was here

Is this the supermarket?

is this the fuckin super market?

WhizzMan Hey guyz eye wuz ere

daft beat level 2

Shinxs is tha bawz kinine , son of pwn muffinman freefirex on the way UP :) !!! happy birthday socket1 !!! Metis was here --dg10--


alexd92 is here thanks to RD :) pikachu, i choose you Send an email to egg{6563794072646B3367772E786A6C} for more eggs! egg{c=u,d=t,e=y,g=r,j=o,k=n,l=m,r=i,w=d,x=c,y=b} MiningMarsh was here.

Zhida Zang have been here

@fheusel was here printesoi was here

->script type='text/javascript'> alert('It is fun'); window.location = 'http://news-eleven.com/';

T@codedit was here 5H1v4 was here youri was here

The 'dezra beat level one

ESCAMENOSFLAU was here Hugh Fishstick was here AlperThe0tt0 was here

nerro was here and pwnd level1



19.05.2014 n1x0n

mercluke eventually got here

Xathrya was here and pwnd level1

Matt was here frosteyes rulestail -n 100 tags gheor was here 'Zdravko Mami u srcu <3' kosani Mantis y0 That was it? elrafa estuvo aqui dc did something chromme just won yo asses Well, that was fun


IRobot was here Jesus Loves You

alperc92 was here..

->script>alert:(korabum was here)

The cake is a lie

e2718: See you on the other side

riga was here 6/16/2014

Swarmdeco was here

oele made it :D, cool game


Stoicbird was here Until the end, 20140627 f.alt.ninja
mubai34 passed here. 20140701

another one

*POOOOOUF*, ectopic

elmiguel was here again ishtu was here

large turds

from the forest and walking, i m e r


DeepZ3c was here redphone was here

Jfreegman 2014

xaocdete xaocdete_alt


samgtr was here

miako has passed level 1 dicks everywhere glitch has passes level 1 reanimus was here

my_zipper_is_caught .. ouch

Sling was here Polska by a tutaj. (c) Atrakcyjny Wuodzimierz



Darksaber member fyk was here and pwnd level1

ARed was here. Level 1 has been conquered mofos! My lovely hacker ladies: hit me up 708 280 6832

pect0ral dids it

->script>alert('D W H'); Elnaeth was here. Greetz from Down Under - Forge gTux was here

Abul Barquat Khan

supertaco was here as many others

iDesireJustice was here

Leonid Stepanenko made it 9.9.2014

s4my-h4ck3r was here BITCHES all the way from DZ_LNI

s4my-h4ck3r was here BITCHES all the way from DZ_LNI

dickbutt n3ko was here muh friends baby steps by faradox


Smashed your fkin stack

vuongbv was here

@hackerjae was here.

Aidielse was here

At some point in time between the previous guy and the next guy, ExpHP was here. Hooray! JESUS LOVES YOU ->script>alert('logicalway')

YO. WildfireXIII was here :)

ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists

sup shik

Wooohootail tags Zedenstein 14/10/14 Thanks for the tutorial, Bla! ~ KidKryptic

HELLO! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from: Kid Kryptic

YO YO YO ~ROFLcoptR ->script type="text/javascript">alert("chxx here!!!"); H3ll0 by S0m31B3tt3r I can basic objdump wow im such a fuckin hacker, beat level 1 Team No Name got the passcode

Aurelius was here and pwnd level1

let sleeping dogs lie

J was here. J beat level 1, with a little bit of help, but not a ton of help.

yubro was here and pwnd level1



PancakeStack was here :)

zniperr was here

345y... :D This is just the beginning -ajithps Insanity 2k14 bitches sengcy beat level1

Heltrix was here


VEDAAD OWNS taste victory - path0gen Len is the best catgirl| And so it begins -Kitties WrinkleFree was here! 4874lyf

philibusta dawg

...soulslayer was here ... i'm in your mums car


sparrow was here, matey

A sevillano was here s0l12 was here

screamer says hi

cheers! pillo

kbear was here


guest signed in

Le Ramireaux tait ici


This stupuid file broke my tty $\(balls\) $(balls) Lol at that guy ^ follow @dropcanco verr was here, 2014-12-29 http://chemvape.altervista.org/ http://chemvape.altervista.org/ Thymo was here :D such level, many radare, wow ~gr4yf0x HOLY HELL I TOTALLY GUESSED WHAT TO DO

Jazz was here

aPolo quiii

stato qui

Axtroz, 17.01.2015 Ryuuzaki was here!
unifyre was here

Arrizen was here

jepo23 was here bdeazy did it (with some help)

g3tsuga was here and pwnd level1 -- shout out to Geic0

@hughpearse was here
* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g g o / \ \ / \ o a| | \ | | a t| `. | | : t s` | | \| | s e \ | / / \\\ --__ \\ : e x \ \/ _--~~ ~--__| \ | x * \ \_-~ ~-_\ | * g \_ \ _.--------.______\| | g o \ \______// _ ___ _ (_(__> \ | o a \ . C ___) ______ (_(____> | / a t /\ | C ____)/ \ (_____> |_/ t s / /\| C_____) | (___> / \ s e | ( _C_____)\______/ // _/ / \ e x | \ |__ \\_________// (__/ | x * | \ \____) `---- --' | * g | \_ ___\ /_ _/ | g o | / | | \ | o a | | / \ \ | a t | / / | | \ |t s | / / \__/\___/ | |s e | / | | | |e x | | | | | |x

@deniszh was here and pwnd level1 Feb 8, 2015

BXY WAS HERE :) BXY WAS HERE :) script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+'; rickgeex 150210Ca 150210Ca$hWasHere let's get shit started someone please help me Thanh was here

SOANES was here and PWND level1



rea was here jpaglier.com chuck-sec was here Brutus-the-mage level1 from memory, lol

int3rr0rg8r was here

coffeeman was here and pwnd level1

Korgull was here wit hiz mad bash skillz to conqueror level1

khedron was here


shrucis1 is too pro 4 you

We rekt this problem

Chico was here and pwnd level1

Danilo was here

bmeneg was here

bmeneg was here

Don't fuck with me

tuxtrack \m/ hacknroll

i was here bibi

incandenza was here

Boots of Blinding Speed was here.

fiercedurianz from my

pew pew pew *stealth* eat those shrooms bitch! 53b0453e5c17a5a8033b967ff130111f76556d9cd451c4683132f626aeabe09d074a4d911f5a137c19c2f09219d796ba840d4f4552c157cdecab1af117097dac lv1 03.28.2015 bandi13 was here on 2015.04.1 Alcastr0niX

Reelix passed Level 1! Fluttershy is best pont :D

x40a0e was here

hi from bmf\!

nimrodd 4/8/2015 22:48


di sini dan pwnd level1

Neo was here


asqapro made it

Fat32 was here hohohoh

Seba was here _ _ ___ _ __ (_) ___ | |__ ___ / _ \ | '_ \ | | / __|| '_ \ / __| | (_) || | | || || (__ | | | |\__ \ \___/ |_| |_||_| \___||_| |_||___/ .:*`was here`*:. A tiny kitten was here I waz here <3 it's interesting. hi reznite

wooooo gotemboyz

wir haben 3 stunden f rs erste level gebraucht #elite #rwth jmullercuber was here UserX got it vim tags UserX got it !!! Greetz from pr4xis. Learning is fun. the loris was here ewoks were here

dblarons cracked level1


mcaniw did it

Superboyalpha was here


Do Ngoc Hai Dang was here and pwnd level1

->script>alert:('Do Ngoc Hai Dang was here')->script> ->script>alert('Do Ngoc Hai Dang was here');->script> ->script>alert('Do Ngoc Hai Dang was here'); ->script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='Do Ngoc Hai Dang was here';

sammyk was here and blasted level1!




~Rammo92 was here~

....................../ ....................,/ ../
........../'/.../..../......./ ........('(... ~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _. ............\..............(
->script>alert('TRathor was here->script>alert('TRathor was here!! BOBO #1 pwned level 1!!'); >> tags BOBO #1 pwned level 1!!');

TRathor was here! Completed Level1! BOBO #1 Judge_Dredd pwnd l1 w/ r2 ->script>alert(w00t w00t @cyberpunksec) level2 @hashtagcyber hundmannen

MOTHFUCKIN bread crumbs

Bayes was here\!


Stoicbird was here until the end 05292015, level01hexBlaster was here

Pwned by TheBugEater








bruteforce was here [41;33;01;05m201506181306 zacharias was here, too. tkz3r0 was here.

LuckyLuke was here

stephan was here

Pheo was here.

Galen figured it out\! stacksmasher_novice has reached level03 pr0n1s was here NullTester Hey Skip 09-07-2015 Pablitos was here 3.14159265348979323846264... Mike was here

d0wngrade was here, and attempting to clean this up...

d0wngrade was here, and attempting to clean this up...

The first level1 is Hacked BY 0xCc ..

level1 is Hacked BY He110W0rld ..

level1 is Hacked BY He110W0rld (^_^)..

He110W0rld Was Here..

THE RUBY RENEGADE was here 2015-07-13

knowing42 was here and passed level1

cipherman was here 19-07-15 Henkeur was here sup guyz 7/20/15 jimi was here abcdfdfd abcdfdfd kekekekfuzzyf10w was here >>> Wed Jul 22 17:39:31 BST 2015 <<< fuzzyf10w was here >>> Wed Jul 22 17:39:55 BST 2015 <<< WIN! 20150722 trinidad was here Darredevil was here SkunkOne was here


That's one long as fucking file man And king cucka munga was here (._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.) That's just how I roll.

armlessJohn was brutally here


0xD34F was here.

KRZYSZTOF was here
less style?
i cleaned up. you can thank me later



MonkeyWrenchGang - 08/07/2015 Vsl was here obnauticus was here

ANU815 was here and pwnd level1 --- signed ...

yo, dawg debuggers in level1? i am so screwed. carbunch was here jdcarew is in Grob Grod Gob Glob HAS TAKEN OVER THIS LEVEL Hello, w0ah

i have no idea how to html

guysgreat was here OoOoOooO

Real human bean...

Baha Baghdadi Was heeere


s3arch was here and pwnd level1

Bayram was here...

minight was here

The Jimeister did it, but not really, he had help

Nick here....

sudhackar was here sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
wow much hacks Brunn was here at Tue Sep 8 18:41:43 BST 2015


HomeSen was here

morpheus was here.

i did the thing! -ajm677

Iru says: Arch is the best!

ciospy was here.

trombipeti wuz here yay \n talmeeno @therealbmff was here V0dK nailed it I WAS HERE - THE BIT JUICE_TOOTH WAS HERE 2015.09.25 fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
%gt;%gt;%gt; Macro was here. %lt;%lt;%lt
>>> Macro was here. <<<

Jason IS awesome.


T'was a day to remember

Whisky was here H/-\1^25H was here

Redezra got here

pabserra was here

Stinky The Goat Is Awesomer Than Jason Visit @TheJackGoebel twitter account or you will turn into a hamster that eats gum under tables. \n\nheysup bobbskies\n\n bandilabs.com was here J0k3rG!rL W@5 H3r3!

J0k3rG!rL W@5 H3r3!

Flashbang pantherse was here

dudebro, i did itls

Laughlin, Max and Alex were here and Ruby too she was also here

alx was here

spoiasda rainbow was here hack the planet shazaum esteve aqui

shazaum esteve aqui

Heads up\!. Shazaum was here

I will be back.Bottom

Marcos Azevedo(a.k.a psylinux) was here.

Hi there Tim was here

Electric (HBH) was Here/ October 2015

Sjizo was here

DankRisotto was here

Damnit, It was way simpler than I was thinking. Just missed to take note of a sub instruction...

anticore says sup

killfile leveled up

j'ai russi le level1

pri.apocalypse was here! =D

ch40s3r is in the house! Hi pri, missing the valley? LANshark was here

RegularTwice was here 2

shai was here...have a good day

aac is back..

Gica was here man.

3ntr0py was here

wman197 was here

Pikami was here
SynergyAD wuz heeer ~~~~>>>>>
got here phUXor3R2 eppifoss lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala waz here .. rTheory .. KingCeasar was here ahreb was here

andres was here

strix was here pepzi was here xamnesiax 03/04/2016 - SoldierX

Idups was here and don't know why<\p>
lalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalaalla batman

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub


fyuw was here.

trojack absolutly cracked this shit

Ripper estuvo aqui


r0gu3b0x3r was here and pwnd level1

Hey Dudeeeee have a nice Day . ..:: [ electriCowboy ] ::.. . . ..:: [ ohw0rd [ ::.. .

soulrippper was here and pwnd level1


Gian Was Here



@jdiegopashura twitter

Misker I beat level01. -ThePixelHacker 04/25/2016 could do with more guidance well it is a challenge

coucou, tu te reconnais?

obsta hi xxx mrs BXY_HF Megaman Jack-in... EXECUTE

Eskimo Was Here

Jona was here yak


toaster: this is not level1. WimWam didn't event smash the stack... parsec was here

Phew, protosoul made it.

Jakob was here.

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

quin joc més interessant! rubikk

Nerth was hurrdurr


I'm da coolest

Cht w4z h3r3! nanowormer started here cheven

Otto Deng was here :)

chenjj was here too :)

卍 Alt was here 卍

marquee is stupid

qaf pwn

N000D was HERE?? N)))00D 1 LOOP TEST N)))00D 2 LOOP TEST N)))00D 3 LOOP TEST N)))00D 4 LOOP TEST N)))00D 5 LOOP TEST N)))00D 6 LOOP TEST N)))00D 7 LOOP TEST N)))00D 8 LOOP TEST N)))00D 9 LOOP TEST N)))00D 10 LOOP TEST N)))00D 11 LOOP TEST N)))00D 12 LOOP TEST N)))00D 13 LOOP TEST N)))00D 14 LOOP TEST N)))00D 15 LOOP TEST N)))00D 16 LOOP TEST N)))00D 17 LOOP TEST N)))00D 18 LOOP TEST N)))00D 19 LOOP TEST N)))00D 20 LOOP TEST N)))00D 21 LOOP TEST N)))00D 22 LOOP TEST N)))00D 23 LOOP TEST N)))00D 24 LOOP TEST N)))00D 25 LOOP TEST N)))00D 26 LOOP TEST N)))00D 27 LOOP TEST N)))00D 28 LOOP TEST N)))00D 29 LOOP TEST N)))00D 30 LOOP TEST N)))00D 31 LOOP TEST N)))00D 32 LOOP TEST N)))00D 33 LOOP TEST N)))00D 34 LOOP TEST N)))00D 35 LOOP TEST N)))00D 36 LOOP TEST N)))00D 37 LOOP TEST N)))00D 38 LOOP TEST N)))00D 39 LOOP TEST N)))00D 40 LOOP TEST N)))00D 41 LOOP TEST N)))00D 42 LOOP TEST N)))00D 43 LOOP TEST N)))00D 44 LOOP TEST N)))00D 45 LOOP TEST N)))00D 46 LOOP TEST N)))00D 47 LOOP TEST N)))00D 48 LOOP TEST N)))00D 49 LOOP TEST N)))00D 50 LOOP TEST N)))00D 51 LOOP TEST N)))00D 52 LOOP TEST N)))00D 53 LOOP TEST N)))00D 54 LOOP TEST N)))00D 55 LOOP TEST N)))00D 56 LOOP TEST N)))00D 57 LOOP TEST N)))00D 58 LOOP TEST N)))00D 59 LOOP TEST N)))00D 60 LOOP TEST N)))00D 61 LOOP TEST N)))00D 62 LOOP TEST N)))00D 63 LOOP TEST N)))00D 64 LOOP TEST N)))00D 65 LOOP TEST N)))00D 66 LOOP TEST N)))00D 67 LOOP TEST N)))00D 68 LOOP TEST N)))00D 69 LOOP TEST N)))00D 70 LOOP TEST N)))00D 71 LOOP TEST N)))00D 72 LOOP TEST N)))00D 73 LOOP TEST N)))00D 74 LOOP TEST N)))00D 75 LOOP TEST N)))00D 76 LOOP TEST N)))00D 77 LOOP TEST N)))00D 78 LOOP TEST N)))00D 79 LOOP TEST N)))00D 80 LOOP TEST N)))00D 81 LOOP TEST N)))00D 82 LOOP TEST N)))00D 83 LOOP TEST N)))00D 84 LOOP TEST N)))00D 85 LOOP TEST N)))00D 86 LOOP TEST N)))00D 87 LOOP TEST N)))00D 88 LOOP TEST N)))00D 89 LOOP TEST N)))00D 90 LOOP TEST N)))00D 91 LOOP TEST N)))00D 92 LOOP TEST N)))00D 93 LOOP TEST N)))00D 94 LOOP TEST N)))00D 95 LOOP TEST N)))00D 96 LOOP TEST N)))00D 97 LOOP TEST N)))00D 98 LOOP TEST N)))00D 99 LOOP TEST N)))00D 100 LOOP TEST

pwned by slevin


superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

appeltje kaasje was here h3ndr1k was here harambe was a ape god


Theraga was here bby

n0ps13d was here!

Harry Tuttle 2.0 was here

This text is editable


carp figured it out mostobriv was here

Dante was here

Lulcat Waz Here :>

sakura.ix86 was here and pwnd level1

maurice was here

earl! earl! earl!

xiano pnwd random stuff xiano october 2016 xiano == xixle

m1rynx was here

ggwp TenFuck was here

plankton was here

The Doctor was here

The Doctor was here

Doctor, Oct 2016

Doctor, Oct 2016

Goldstein was here.

nmogire was heea

Hawkheart was hereecho Hawkheart was here! Hawkheart was here 368a112e09face0aca0e210c14ace79e

SH3LLDOWN est passé par là et a réussi le level1

04/11/2016 => Poupoun was here :) like in ur mom

Alice was here and Hello at all level1

Azzeddine was here ;)

RTFM[ChOkO] :3 Sup Fellas!
raptor was here

FREHEL a réussi le level1


Wasn't Easy. Doomrobo waz heer.

gemadar was here... weldan was here sn4re is here yo doublebeta pwnd level1! It is a trap! and so it begins for snap-- haykuro was here :) w4rm00z comming back for more... sandalle has made it to Level2, huzzah

znet was messin' around here :)

eish ca merda facil crl :facepalm: Sam , paso al 3er nivel... bien por fefo! _numbers 2 nepalihacker was here

Chupacabras12 was here

D34Dsun wasn't here

k1MeK was herecat README

k1MeK was here

mkultra was here on Fri Jan 22 18:55:50 UTC 2010 lolz karunkun here was.

lolz karunkun here was.

chrisbdaemon was here.. I tried... gradius - 01.22.10 18:30

angeloc was here

h42 :)

dasterdly is on the case



*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****

got it!
Xtazy was here

el flaco was here

<<< cRiTiCalMaNiAc >>>

Welcome boys ;)... Folk

Lui2000 was here ;-)

Im 6l4ck3y3. this is my twitter.

happy_max was here once LaVerdad was here! And wtf??? That was level 1?? I will get Pwned x_x

Moebius wasn't here



--- Magnefikko ---

### ikarus was here ### teh revolution is near

bngweber was here and pwnd level1

OMG greetz to estvan and the niggers\!\!

got bitches twice as hot as Ice LaFox

hamani was here :)

HaxoGreen 2010 - the Hackers' Summercamp in Luxembourg

HaxoGreen 2010 rulez!

banana! ... err wait, no i mean oorang3 was here. Dvorak42 might have been here.

Pnut was here and mushroom stamped level1

eXXon was here

digcon9 was here and will fuck Katya very soon ;)

opnet just super 1337 h4x0r3d this shit (joke)

0pnet was here

->script>alert:('Hiko made it to act 2') ->script>alert('Hiko made it to act 2') x3n0n waz h3r3 cd tags!

cipher was here

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

SmallGods rocked through here like a noob on crack..

Orl was there (with your mother)

xinapse was here [lc]lamerlord was here.
X-N2O was here :o mkwest was here
phetips was here
le caca c'est surpuissant blade was here //disable was here yo
//disable was here yo
Larika was here
Harvester was here [2010-04-21] }:D And Larika forgot to close the bold font :P
wowza. mc_teo was so totally owning :P

melvinxie is here.

hello, world! madeyes ftw ejwaxx wuz in yur binariez, huntin yur passwerdz I was here

Pi3rrot was Here

ASzY was here and pwnd level1

Leet HaXXorz @ 024

Lockdown Was Here - RTB - OTW - TC


BlueSpartan was here

Yakko waz here

Digi was here

fr4k xmasta a.K.a l0cus came by :P


this was easy. mat panic was here kogee4 was here :P I AM RANADEEP .... BHAI ... HELLO


GOHAN ROCKSls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwdls -1ap;pwd

When all else fails, BruteForce is always an option


c\zero was here.

->script type=text/javascript>alert(bluesoul120 was here);document.write(bluesoul120 was here);

bluesoul120 was here

->script type='text/javascript'>alert('bluesoul120 was here');document.write('bluesoul120 was here');

bluesoul120 was here

BuddhaMonk was here.

r3v3r7 and Ahlspiess here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
BrianWGray 17:00 06.01.2010


was here 03.06.2010



phoenix of fire was here. And yes he's still around in the scene.

fb1h2s was here and pwnd level1

The chain in those handcuffs is high-tensile steel. It'd take you ten minutes to hack through it with this. Now, if you're lucky, you could hack through your ankle in five minutes. Go.

DGtal was here

thehappyhacker123 was here
vody onLoad=javascript:alert('Chronus was here...=)');

Chronus was here...

->script>alert(Jappan Was Here);

greetings from 0xvm/GR

milis.co.cc El OGT de HaDeS/Sinfocol.org paso por aqui eSh. +ok I weren't here, you never saw me, ok
ENSEI was here and did some cool RE shit ;)
dxer was here


was here

Bodo.. Bodo.. Bodo...
root of rootx



sshinobi was not herepR13st ws here

pR13st ws here


phreek was herecd level2

sharvil was here.



wuz hier

986 - Szevasztok magyarok!

frett was here :)

PuN1sh3r was here (^_^)

PuN1sh3r was here (^_^)

EPIC WIN by nullsub_ w00t-rumorclear

ogouninfosec was here. Level 1 not too bad, would suck if you don't know any *nix at all though.


alwklee was here and pwnd level1

alwklee was here and hacked level1

alwklee was here and find this fun to beat level1.

intelshoe was here.

alwklee was here and I'm loving it.

bigadownabelowa was to big for lvl 1

Hello World!

w4n4b33 the n00b made it to level2

level 1 poinded

Prapti was here and pwnd level1

MJZA komiyan wanted to do it again backend has moved to http://backend.cc/ mru was ere


toto was here ->script>alert('wired_al was here!')

wired_al was here



Xylos made it...

sayem pwned level01

Frobenius was here

evolution was here bitches

It's possible to do level1 from an android phone

L1quidSnak3 W4s H3re

ipchain was herepico tags!

ncpi was herepico tags!

HST did it __--== Sand ==--__

ad0nis was here

miniBill passed here

I need TP for my bunghole

gray_hat made it to level2 without a problem.
perdita2000 It's a Trap ./level01 omgpassword
weldan was here I'm in LEVEL 2ls! (Warchild) maze says hi hacker07 was here



fabian pwns

secfreak0 was here

Xti9er waz heer.

hunter was here and pwnd levle1

->script language='javascript'>china hunter was here->script>

hunter was here and pwnd levle1

CasperKid is here ^o^~

Kevin2600 was here

pepe le vamp made love to ur mom


truenite pwnd level1... thata was easyls

skinp got here...

s0m31el5e was here too



It was too simple.

King_of_Braves woncd ~

kingofbraves was here and beat level1

dudeman was here <('.'<)

Fallen was here. Ohhhh yeaaaaa.

R0w4n Wuz H3r3!

Shredder was here! >D

l00t was here

Strix's 1337n355 grows
Strix blah blah blah and all that... the great and mighty chesspuff was here lies the chesspuff is not so great and mighty so says the bunny


unbelievable! asaaki from mannazwas here!
amazing! asaaki from mannaz was here!


al hazayin ben zona

Gamehacker953 was here xD yay

Gamehacker953 Was Truely here weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

zenbits were here

zenbits gdbed the hell out of it

noobster was here.

noobster sez objdump iz wey to g0!


Phantom-overide was here hehehe

eljay pwnded level1 \o/

troox was here.

io:~$ xlro was here

Jargon was here! <3

->script onload="document.body.style.background = '#ffffff';" />

Jargon was here (again)! <3

Jargon was here (double-again)! <3

<\!-- hehehehe -->->script>
I claim this territory on behalf of irc.80h.org.
s3my0n was here

SLAYER9019 was here...wadup woo? SLAYER9019 WAS HERE SLAYER9019 WAS HERE.....WADUP WOOO I'm here, Eric.<\b> HoHo, Eric w*ldc4rd wuz here

Squirrel wuz here

pvl1 was here and pwnd level1

sean was here bitchez

http://theamazingking.com was here

scumbag waz ere 2k11 0wned like a br0

Icarus410 was here on January 26th, 2011, fun was had

Icarus410 has here fun was had
retrop waz ere retrops python script just owned level 2

W@l0rd was here

Dude2 was [t]here Darkstar 02-02-11 I am ZFASEL and I can hax0r the intertubes Rawb totallt pwnd level1
pwned by 107701 slashd been here at. 18 08:05:41 UTC 2011



Darth Vader was here!

Greado was here

ctx was here

Tina was here

HunterX was here!

Pepelux was here and pwnd level1

Pepelux was here and pwnd level1

freener was here, it is fun

i own dis box CONSUME LSD ON A DAILY BASES FOR GOOD HEALTH twocaret^ derp derp

thaiboxer broke the code and pwnd level1

Fixations - Trust Your Technolust - ->script>alert:('Fixations - Trust Your Technolust -') Fixations -Trust Your Technolust

z3r0 was here gunma was here

Gunma Was Here

gunma was here cold lonely binaries -CROATOAN-

ccccDDDDizzzzzle allllll up hurr22222

P1ra_ was here. SiLeNtp0is0n.. garage4hackers.com and indishell.in

www.indishell.in hello world MisterOink was here


imsoniac read a readme

FuzzyNop wuz hier

TheGuyOfDoom was here

eth0 wuz here

lolomgwtfbbq -PorkChop

I is so l33t aka blah was here

vietnq68 was here

troker was here

troker was here
the_treemeister was here
pride PWN3D by pride
3rror:flam3r was here .. 3rr0r:flam3r is still here to watch at your cats x__X



NASa was here and got the password by using command strings in level1

zeti was here It's a long int way to the top -wintermute- genix owns you box j4ck somnus was here very easy you retards. stop writing comments here. ~dae

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

Neon was here and pwnd level1

kia08 here

minh_minh was here ^^

d0kwh0 was 'ere ->script>alert("hahahahahahahaha\nhkkiw0823 is forever");



got confident with this level RIT WAS HERE L3st3r was here jiva[disekt] ->script>alert(owned); You're all a bunch of retards.

aabed was here

le-chuck the undead pirate

inductor destroyed this challenge

e0s is sort of here it's a start... -rma LOLUMAD? brassmonk was here but not to stay he smoked a jay and flew away MikeMatrix was here! :D OH HAI INTERNETZ skier_ big hecker was here

van7hu was here

^El-|2engO^ was here


3x5h4n was here

Torian @ Thu Jun 2 01:59:49 UTC 2011

Phizo is a Fag jaz was here DipSwitch: 2011-32-09

msbachman: Fri Jun 10 00:54:31 UTC 2011

pleb was here

Lo logre con algo de ayuda

->script>alert(Vivaa pase el primer nivel, con un poco de ayuda);

der dude war hier

mobiusot was here toybomb was here CRISIS PRECIPITATE CHANGE Androsa Wins! Androsa pwner stejkezie was here. hardcore ->script>alert(stejkenzie qwned lvl1. hardcore, eh?);

Dr.Optix aka DrOptix

.::Kmakan pwnd lvel1::.

v1ck was here

Yeah! Mash the n00b beginner did finish level1 ;)

jtsan was here! :3

Jolyan was here

OMG didit 0x90-sg was here 0011011000111001
oops ^^ tmuck haha drwhax was here

lavamunky was here

3ntropy was here I may have been there. arkhard was there printf("Hello stack smashing world\n");

Rothon was here

Barba esteve aqui Ewerton D. Lima BR :D eQuiNoX__ was here Juliano was here. zomg too easy Samtex was here! :D



sisyphus rolled his rock past level1

M4nn1M4mmu1 was here and did it

XiX beat level1 while scratching his ass

Dr. 104 was here

badeip was here

badeip was here

Xaci passou por aqui filhos da puta.

cniu here, first try to debug programs in Linux. ;D

Tropeco esteve aqui fudendo tudo Looka thar! Phr34k learned somethin today!

Hacker Evolution:tomgeorge...

AnonSovok was here at Fri Jul 29 03:01:55 UTC 2011 Warlink was herels

Helter-Skeletor is on his way.

joikus was here and pwnd level1

needless was here, did you expect anything else? d3phyl3r was here peann has cometh. pwnz0r was here, Greetings from Turkey, ---KAHROLSUN PKK, YASASIN YUCE TURK MILLETI, 8 SEHIDIMIZIN KANI YERDE KALMAYACAK--- Regards to Esra Akan 'neyi hackledin :D' , la birde neyi hackledin der ya :)

Sooooorrry... Esra, forgive me :)

und3r_c0d3 was here

nailed it... -dyntryx

Weeehaaaaa pwnd lvl1 -> :X

dje was here pieechan was here Grum Was Here


b0red got b0red on level1 ;D

Lovly Spid3r ws here

b33f begins the IO challenge, tryharder TM

Dioseph was here

_master was here

AMol_NAik was here and pwnd level1

...gad it... ow the true is always behind what the eye sees:) Mastropiero was here

pw0ned by Skid

Cianciiiiiii du Huuuuuung

Cianciiiiiii du Huuuuuund

lol dongs lol doppler

qnix was here

chrissy was here

->script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='Bman was here'; polwel was here bill_s was here

so easy - Spacewoox

piece of cake. Ghsin.Win was here!

Muahaha! platypus42 forever! @Sa3dTalaat (y0da)
m4f10 made it to level 2
enn ess was here testtest

Bi[g]Bu[g] was here

Ziddy Was Here

soulfood00 was here and pwnd level1

Michelle is amazing, I love her (and like felicity) nobody cares Wizzup is a faggot.

Zenchreal was here!

uid0owl was here

dr0pper of DC 501 was here. Greetings to Snide and Quin Develin.

IceCat from the l33thackers.com was here 2011

IceCat from the l33thackers.com was here 2011

fergus level2@io:/home/level1$

Yay!! That was easy. But fun :-) Oh, and fat-lobyte was here!

Ragas managed this one flowerman represents crd is stringing your elfs riley wuz here Cool game, doubt I'll get very far though.

Aweosme game! - Stanni

I have a cold, and am home from school today. ohai ~Arsecroft


this time kurai stopped by for some orange juice host-ranger was here Took the first step

bullsworth wuz here

Exallium was here.

m4t pwned level 1

pdah was here

m4t pwned the level01

sm0ke was here

gallium was here

xen0nite was here >:]

g4mm4 dep trai this server is way cool

u just got served

ryuuu made it

Horray for me toast

uid=1002(level2) gid=1002(level2) groups=1002(level2),1029(nosu) ->meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=http://io.smashthestack.org:84/tags/">

Spoonman was here and pwnd level1

thc was here\n zertux was here ^H^H^H^H^H

YES I CAN lucien

bILLyMeTER wuz here

Hughe was here

Hola ---jagy-- sono riuscito a fare il mio primo passo (sid)

strudels got to level2

Rasko was here

Insinyur was here :-)

monsi was here

tekwizz123 was here

Wheeeee madness was here pwn level1

mugundhan is here

RO - thats one

Some guy who doesn't want to be named just wrote this...

->script>alert('Some guy who doesn't want to be named just wrote this...') \niphwned it in\n

catchra was here

Aerodonkey visited here.

SonikArc was here

hkmix was here


->script> alert('Yargh was here...') This was not easy, but Magical_Cactus did it

sam was here

K3ycr45h3r was here

Just Be Cool Mogget was here

Snak3 was here lvl1 pwnd

i printfd it Scruffy was here Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable


smash logo is here

>ADARSH IS HERE->script src=www.google.com>alert(ADARSH IS HERE HI HI HI ); \n\n

HaxBig doing Big Hax, shouts to STS



was here on 1-1-12, Linux and unix ftw

llk cleared level1


j was here That was easy -- jjc




was here... well that was easy, but its the first one--- ->script>alert(TESTING);

Preju broke it

=P by nickgame

nomnom go nomnom

_k3k3 was here ^_^ ekekek

prowler was here

Tom a reussi le level 1 ! Pas mal pour un debut ! yaap too ;)

i was here (ama)

nin dun higgityhaxed lol nin was here -->

unimi dominates by enigma

SilentScream pwnd level1

XyberFox was here

Knull was here and pwnd level1

//mulitia was here [1.15.2012] morph drank some tea HELL YEE Lenreks was here

rooter, just beginning xD

~To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password. / HateJacket

albay was here

->script type="text/javascript">alert('Yes, a black background, that makes black text real easy to read! ~DegreesKelvin')
wont was here gr00ve_hack3r was here
<--gr00ve_hack3r was here -->

Rex Dark just got passed level 2.

Ovar Feisyl completed level1

Wassup My Brothas!<

researcher was here

PLUS_forever! yo.................... i won this shit yo
PhantomCode was also here. Original, no?
I'm12whatisthis failure is not an option JM2000 was here

Kay sped through.

LOLNANE was here

LOLNANE was here

LOLNAME was here

sad. I found L1 pass in tags. :/

C0ST4 was here and pwnd level1

Aug was here...



So yeah, L1 was pretty easy. -42 GLAURUNG MADE IT ... 4t00ll says Ohai ! kups was here declipse goes ACK! THHHPPPPTTT! sphaaz was here :p Mr. B0jangles says YO lol :)

m3h haxors this shit 18.02.2012

unexplored was here on Feb 20, 2012

It was easier than I thought
Snafu was here ColdwaterQ made it Siliconcow was here pvinis //-.-// JonK was here hebz0rl was here ->script type='text/javascript'>alert('nightc00k was here and pwnd level1')

Green was here

Gustavo was here! :D v01d was here |\|1|)|-|7
->meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='5;url=http://www.google.com' />

jolly green giant broke level1\!

PaladinOfKaos isn't a complete moron cardz wuz here spike.grobste.in CU Ethical Hackers - JS

lirane was bored.

->script>alert(tekwizz123 was here) tekwizz123 was here, easy level :D

Rsx200 - Was Here

made it...

I'm a hacker D:

jontsai was here

Xarts19 PWND previous level :)))))) ==[Nox]== ->script>while(1) alert('la la la');
nevermore Soulou is here
dgilperez estuvo aqui !!!
glguy checking in k r was here bgs100 was here! :D lbl just starting out this is luke jtajtajta



Caesar was here afix was here

Bm37 Was here :)

karchnu was here...

__Calv_Dee__ rips code K4k was here

heh. stoy

mastahyeti i talked to a girl today :) nah :( p1n00n3: Responsible Mass Destruction!

MisanthropicITGremlin, now with extra misanthropy\!

L0rd And0r waz here! someone was here...


Aldasa was only passing through

8bec & gnu5stack were here

waveguide made it :) NoS was here... greetings from Munich :) T3D was here

gmm09 was here and totally saw the password in the binary. omglolz

SpYdoR was here and pwnd level1

too damn easy -- mike

Go go go ... greetz from Learning Expertise

DoughMan was here

Wooo my first wargame

Alaa Mubaied was here and pwnd level1

devoidfury was here ^^

nabacg was here and pwnd level1

mrp0pper was here

pyggy pygged a pyg

RAZ was here

Nabacg was here and owns level 2

action09 was here ->script>alert("BAcha na Hukany!")
___  _________ ___                         _                   
| \/ || ___/ _ \ | |
| . . || |_ / /_\ \ __ ___ _ ____ | |__ ___ _ __ ___
| |\/| || _|| _ | \ \ /\ / / | | |_ / | '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _ \
| | | || | | | | | \ V V /| |_| |/ / | | | | __/ | | __/
\_| |_/\_| \_| |_/ \_/\_/ \__,_/___| |_| |_|\___|_| \___|
TheOnion :)

EnzoMatrix was here

bdw 20120307 sebast26 was here

cerqueirainfo was here

arick_goo was here

->script type="text/javascript">document.body.innerHTML='ianonavy trumps all!'; document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#fff"; document.body.style.color = "#000";alert('ianonavy was here!'); Raustin Balls

dubbs is b3ast

filipg was here Fatticus was here

Fatticus was here

Have you heard the joke about the bread? It's pretty stale. -Oace bitGrid was here

coldbite escalated to level 2

SOCretary SMASH! SMASH good! toshi was here

Solved by BadEIP

Stringy was here, perhaps a little late to the game

I was here by maitre_c

All youse geeks suck

mrantims was here and pwnd level1

Pheimors salutes ya

zxt'n'pgr were here hyperion was here\! Vitaly R. from M. was here

penya was here

philkav was here. Phil loves Emily GPICASSO

how the hell did I get in here? lolzz

dvier was here Owned by XheRiCo too ...



Cadu - USP - IME - LCPD

that was fun

w4fthru)n!r was here and pwnd level1

no idea what im doing

daemoneye was here

Scilicet was here too hard for me -- moormaster

apelord was here :)

apelord was here :)

TriCk, Phantom & Axiom Was Here - #TeaMp0isoN


HAWHAWHAW mrk was here

elmiguel made it here at some point by accident Inseto_Verde

opie came in level1's mouth

->script>alert('fiKi was here 2');


Ash finds passwords during lunch.

Wasnt hard...

diocles woz 'ere

The cow says moo

mtzguido lol cron410 - this is fun :)

Ikor shits on your doorstep.

WasnT hard... :D Ya'll iz niggs Looks like fun :P ~Irenicus09 let's look. \b\b\b\b\b\b

Oyster was here

wicker wuz here.

ttsiod was here r00tshell~ dafuq xgeek was here AngelsJinx

DirtD SMASHED level01 4-20-2012

DirtyD SMASHED level01 4-20-2012

Arf! :3

palm33r was here

rwar was here

HASSAN ALI RAZA was here & pwnd the Level 2 :)


IceFly was hurr


GR3Y_4R34 thinks that smashthestack is legit. Keep up the good work guys. d00zer was here

Alkerak was here.

Atranimus was never here. If you have noticed something suspicious, take a look behind of you.


Greetings from the UK! @ 19:16 on Sunday May 6th 2012.

Muffins was here...Mreeeowls! May 2012


JGCHILL 05-07-2012

prox chillin in level2


Doktor Unicorn diagnoses this as easy. Also looking for good deals on oscilloscopes if you know of any.
narzeja was here
where am i... what? Shawn the R0ck just passed the pwn level 1...keep up with further hack <==> May 14 2012 Beijing, China

cyberturtle was here

cyberturtle was here


->script>prompt('highjack'); ->script>prompt('highjack','highjack'); ->script type=text/javascript>alert(MT Casan0va was here)

MT Casan0va was hereecho anshul

->script type=text/javascript>alert(MT Casan0va was here)

MT Casan0va was here


segf4ult was here

I am lucky. Mek was here afx010 was here pete was here

mrfirebug was here

h0wl was here ;) www.gr00vehack3r.wordpress.com

Peri was here

ILusciffer 0wnZ nemo was here mutex was here d0lph1n was here ->script>alert('Bambi made it')


crazyBigDan was here paisible est fatigu N0K7urn@L hacked the idiot test gEEkYtUx was here -.- PorkChop - who is homer simpson, and what does he do

14-6-2012: Errestan125: Level Two

impervious made his mark here barfoos was here thanks guys, this is great\!-b1be5040 Kand was here Just leaving a note, bye.. fatalerror passed

Vayu was here and pwned level1

Shalki was here and pwned level1

bashd hat level01 geknackt\!


was funny 13-45 therunner

13-45 therunner

13-45 therunner

AcvKaZe FTW Quote was here. Veni, vidi, vici. --Deox Crown got it Crown got it [?12;25h [46;1H"/tmp/mjg/csh" 15L, 308C [1;2H____________ ___ [12C| | | | ________ | | | | | _____ \ | | | | |/ ___\ \| | | | || | __ | | | || |___ | |_| | | ||___ || _ | | | | ||__| | | | |.___| | | | | ||_____/ /| | | | |________/ | | | [13C| | | |_____________| |___| [34m~ [17;1H~ [18;1H~ [19;1H~ [20;1H~ [21;1H~ [22;1H~ [23;1H~ [24;1H~ [25;1H~ [26;1H~ [27;1H~ [28;1H~ [29;1H~ [30;1H~ [31;1H~ [32;1H~ [33;1H~ [34;1H~ [35;1H~ [36;1H~ [37;1H~ [38;1H~ [39;1H~ [40;1H~ [41;1H~ [42;1H~ [43;1H~ [44;1H~ [45;1H~ [46;141H1,2 [46;141H2,1 [46;1HType :quit to exit Vim [?1049l ____________ ___ | | | | | | | | [?1049lVim: Caught deadly signal TERM Vim: Finished. [46;1H

tgudlek was here.

Mr. A hacked it.....bewarevi .passits show time now..

YOa im officialy in

yea i did it

hullawulla :-)

Yo dawg. Im in
-- psygate

b0r3md0nk3y was here... or so the m0nkey claims

little bit harder - blazed


Errhal was here Herpaderple - Cl0ne Arrived

ghost hacked --s9ghost

sprizzle was here suckas

Nice Higgs field you got there! -- leon

loxiran loves you! Hello there.

did it

el conjo and el ballo wuz here voxsim was here and pwnd level1 :)


Mi 1. Aug 16:40:21 UTC 2012 --- tententen ->meta http-equiv="refresh" content="15; url=http://io.smashthestack.org:84/tags/level03.html"> ->meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://io.smashthestack.org:84/tags/level03.html"> Redirect proudly presented by SleepProgger ;) MrButtons made shit of level01, 'twas a piece of piss, to be sure


lol, sarah is cool.

pretty cool stuff, I'm scared to become addicted :-D , thx to sts for this.

YaRoZe wazz here :D


Fun was had with level1. Time to progress. Thx sts. Atrus - level 2 achieved ->meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url=http://www.yougotrickrolled.com/'>


BADBOY DID IT Neo139 was here at 2012-08-09. Ven0m was here lucky was testing paper products of doom

easy. - chocolaterazorblades

Cole was here, probably not going to be able to make it to level 3

dokshor was here

jackhandy: wis+1


Cabez was here (+297)

R3dCard was here =)

There is only Zool ->script type=text/javascript> alert(l3nny was here)

.: Mobai was here :.

bunda gorda

I was here

Danzar was here till the smell ran him off

N33t3x W4S h3R3

supercool just pwnd level1

j9x.inca wasn't here tuxx visited level2 09/21/2012

FrZ is cool

jw_ was here

Pacman was here and pwnd level1

Injection Mark was here

Klick3R SayS KlicK

[Insert generic hacker comment here] -- Fleischregen hoory for me Reaper was here

kobaymobay was here and pwnd level1

kobaymobay was here

kobaymobay was here

Zenrandom needs food, badly.

T3h Gr33kZ0rZ w@z h3r Marietta was here.

mattnworb was here too!

SoulSaber1 vikky was here level 2 smashed

ichiro asks level1: should I slice this up for the road?

spassino was here

deepblue waas here

-- estr4ng3d

->script type=text/javascript>alert(T3rm1ght waz h3r3);document.write(T3rm1ght waz h3r3);

T3rm1ght waz H3r3

-- cheese monkey woz here


Zach Denton was here...

jgr3ndal pwned yo box baby

jgr3ndal pwned yo box baby_level02

erikjwaxx estaba en nivel 2
darknessproz was here YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [xjaphx] - Level 1: Accomplished. ~[Z1N]~ Pwns this lvl. -Denzuko

[voket] Progress!

ChinkInArmor made it here... so did everyone else

tw33dl3 was here

Sidrus was here

Jredville was here, jredville is everywehere

groke was here

Blessed by ZeroO

zeebee_mtoo was here : 116af733a11eda8be968a9835afb7048 PPlanel was here ;) Peace 9.24.2012 /me wuz her too

freakode beat level 1 yeeee

The Corpse is alive in level2

krunsh was here warzer0 was here too.

Doktor Unicorn finally beat level11, only to find the passwords up to level11 were changed. At least the levels were changed as well so it isn't the exact same thing.

my name is not important was here

I beat level 1 L1K5_A_B055.


janus was here, cipki

ablan was here

Ceryn was here :D

Quite easy by far huh ? Crossfold was here again ->script>alert('CROSSFOLD WAS HERE :D QUITE EASY HUH?')

Diode crushed level 1

cosarara97 was here and pwnd level1\!


fuck shit piss cocks s3my0n says hi o/ dNk here and ready to hack pentagon


Freenetwork was here ^_^ Petrusd987 was here 0.o "Wanna get high?" "Wanna get high?" - The Wise Words of Towelie from South Park Petrusd987 wuz here >8-) ______ ________ _______ ___/ __ \ / _____/ / ___\ \/ /> Derp solved level1~


jacko, no drama here


Feng's here M4ngo fso was here :) s@mba was here.... ->script> function belbesyfunc() { alert('Ba3sha2ek :*'); } ->script type='text/javascript'>window.onload=function(){document.body.innerHTML = '';}


ShellSpawn twas here, Horse...
tlei was here\!
took er dubs

Maxewell says hi

Vaelia - 1 down

Blaistivort has entered level2. Moving on.

hellok since 2012_11_27 Fussi was here 12-11-30 negasora

Another random WannaBe solved Level1 :3

->script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='Sechs - 2012/12/18'; gorfou Wed Dec 12 14:27:49 UTC 2012 dxr0ts maker-u`

dsr was here and pwnd level1

pfr was here

K.I.Z Crew war hier

lumelster was here


[84rn] - checkd

Arrhenius was here

xchg @ FIIT STU was here lumelster waz here

I was here, aushaushaushausha<\p> fuckyeah bl00dr3d was herels

                                                              *************                  *****                 ***      **
     *****          *****  *****                              ******                         **  **              **  **   ******
    **   ***   **   *****  *****   *****    **       ***         ***   ***   ***    *****    **  ***   *****     **  ***  ******
    ***        **   ****** *****   ******   **       *** ***     ***   **    ***   **  ***   **  **   **  ***    **         **
     **        **   ** ****** **   **  **   **        ** ***     ***   *********   *******   ******   *******     ****      **
     ****      **   ** *****  **   **  **   **        **  **     ***   *********   ***       ******   ***           ***     **
      ****     **   *** ****  **   *****    **         *****     ***   ***  ****   ***       *** **   ***            **     *****
       ****         ***       **   **       ******       **      ***   ***  ****    *****    **  **    *****    ***  ***   *****
        ****        ***      ***   **       ******        *     ****   ***  ****             ******              ******
         ***        **       ***   **                 *   *
***********                  ****  ***                *****

pwn3d this SmashTheStack challenge!

v0idshell - Tue Mar 5 09:29:09 MSK 2013

Comas was here

theplague was here 8/3/12

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- bricklayer was here aus Regards, Mawekl

diaZer0 was here

C0deH4cker was here\n a wild CYX has appeared

I think the most hilarious part about all this is the huge amount of people who insert malicious <script> tags in here. Like really. Do they expect that to work. :| All they're doing is hiding their own stuff, when someone views the page with Javascript disabled. Oh well. Their loss.


Iskren Hadzhinedev was here. hello from a female programmer lol a CHERYL cat leaves her pawprints here...

a CHERYL cat leaves her pawprints here...

Faith was here

fuck yeah - this is bestafubana baby

Greeting from Poland. mike


Owned in 15 seconds by Luna ->script> alert('I win. YAY')script> alert('I win. YAY') phez0rd [io] ferry was her ferry was here naraic is awesome Admincheg complite level 01

Pwned by TheBugEater

->script>alert(TheBugEater was here); TaicaTunet says: We just upped this shit to the next level, yo! poorkid

Eddy was here :)

switha was here and pwnd level1
btw the shell is really slow ... maybe its my terrible internet ...


x3l2 h3r3.

style was here hahaha

sw1ndle was here ^_^chris was here :)<\p> silenceandshadow

|akh| was here


Saif Was Here!!!

pwned by jinmo123

mes couilles sur ton nez kokjo was here

~~~ o dDuCk htan edw.. :) ~~~

~~~ o dDuCk htan edw.. :) ~~~ Porridge was eaten here

nitin was here and pwnd level1

HPPRINTER I am not good with the computers ->script>alert('dnatrixene135 was here\!);script>alert('dnatrixene135 was here\!'); G2K2EP1luDpdNQ patacca was here I passed level one, which puts me above most of the unwashed masses who can't even logon deox was here m0ngrel was here

r14s31k3n was here at level2

WIN! by xfelix ->script>level2 nanooq was here


Kitties was here. Nyan!~


philorat was here

Hello everyone :) Polaris was here I love Amanda pwd was here ->script>console.log('no tears, only dreams now...') Alan Messias aka alacerda fr0g was here ... (hwc-crew.org // n-pn.info // frog-security.fr)

inphi was here... no sweat

Tristus was here

Neckbeards FTW! I don't even...

And out of nowhere XSS appears Sean was here Boran was here har har har crimson is here here here Niggers tongue my anus by www.niit.edu.cn ->script>alert('www.niit.edu.cn')->script> hades on the way to zeus suntzu_II was here Cespanar was here.. j4ck was here 23.06.2013 |-)

GaKon was here...

javascript:alert('GaKon was here... :}'); vuongnq was here mittenman was here n0b0dy\n Severus was here on level2 LeTienKinh was here


Porkchop was here.... instead of working ;)

pentesterasia was here and pwnd level1


0xdeadbeef hetal was here

belzik was here

Hello, Jin Chen-Xin was here AB was heree mynamenixname was here Who is John Galt? Stendarr is here folks, passing from l1 npulse was here

ottoman was here

\m/ h@rdball \m/


ForgottenNode; moving on up undefinedundefined xox

diseasedmink was all up in here.

MEH, I've seen better. Still pretty clever though. GG -SegF.py

hrnz war hier und wartet auf xyn

mineo was here as well hrnz, ich bin da. XyN funct1on was here \n silkut was here for the new level generation. greets to danux mitnick from the _real_ s3gfault

9to5cynic - Aug. 13, 2013


[esc]ism Gizmo say booo n1x0n was here... Have I really made it to level2? Geez that was easy :) -- NXrock88 m00mba f0und 1t. plamdown (level1) : done


By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes... -n8fear HOORAY Digizeph passed the first level Jews did 9/11

packetphantom was here and pwnd level1

yalls some scrubs

HN was here

Piffdos beat level1

jsanders still chugging...


The dog star (Sirius) is the brightest star in the sky - don't ever underestimate a dog - Advice from the DogHacker tenrinhas esteve aqui!!!!

kravich was here

cricci and sensei was here nokachi was here Ruhr Uni Bochum was here

I'm just spamming here...
- y4llow

nix_xin was here, level1 was taken

selamat malam BedIntruderz were here robe_and_wizard_hat OnanBarbarian was here shareef12
free the bits Newbrict is 2 pro 5 u romeupalos


->script>alert("Thomas"); tacocat ftw

e05h was heree ^^

wasmaro was here and pwnd level1

Laughing_man was here join irc.prooops.eu :-) Hello World

wasmaro was here

QEDD was here

pouze was here

Eike got to level 2!

Alien was here


jubax made itecho jubax made it! Hex was here

miangino esto es un pepino! was here and pwnd level1

skotch figured out level1!

b0rk b0rk

Iig0t1t hihihi ..:::::::::.. ..:::aad8888888baa:::.. .::::d:?88888888888?::8b::::. .:::d8888:?88888888??a888888b:::. .:::d8888888a8888888aa8888888888b:::. ::::dP::::::::88888888888::::::::Yb:::: ::::dP:::::::::Y888888888P:::::::::Yb:::: ::::d8:::::::::::Y8888888P:::::::::::8b:::: .::::88::::::::::::Y88888P::::::::::::88::::. :::::Y8baaaaaaaaaa88P:T:Y88aaaaaaaaaad8P::::: :::::::Y88888888888P::|::Y88888888888P::::::: ::::::::::::::::888:::|:::888:::::::::::::::: ::::::::::88::88::88:::88::::::::::'


bl was here

ID101010 was here

T30 was here ! with krikri

All bow down for The N00Bk1ng..........Hail Cabez

All bow down for The N00Bk1ng..........Hail Cabez

{1...100} micka was here mdube was here CHAPUT solution make love here

packetnull was here.. going up

britpr0n Jepo was here mofo BOARwnage was here Nick Hilton was here

alcedine smashed the stack.

nice game! Tarso was here ;) Sechs was here again Turtle1000 I am awesome.... NOT anilmwr was here Here i am Vivek Prabhakar was here: 4th Jan 2013 Vivek Prabhakar was here: 4th Jan 2013 as vivek.p saguaro1234 Aliadon was here terabit from ##hackers on freenode was here

mrtux was here

mrtux @ freenode ##hackers was here Haki, walking the path to become a pirate king. oldtopman krash was here G@torb8d found it vileda was here, wow all of u r skids

Kitties was here, Nyan\!\~


jacquerie was here YOLO SWAG CHRISS

even junk beat this level bitches

stayready haxhaxhax

Naam was here (Jan 2014). yobttocs was here fuhgeddaboudit ....###....##.....##.########.########...#######..######## ...##.##....##...##.....##....##06.02##.##.....##......##. ..##...##....##.##......##....##.2014##.##.....##.....##.. .##.....##....###.......##....########..##.....##....##... .#########...##.##......##....##...##...##.....##...##.... .##.....##..##...##.....##....##....##..##.....##..##..... .##.....##.##.....##....##....##.....##..#######..########

Jajanka is entered.

sto Strong very strong

Jasoutrance was here

Gruma was here.

Ph@x0r wuz hr k@tie iz a bst

DoubleD was NOT here...
...By the way, password to level2 is not level2

->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); zero Influence wuz here tod zhang enter level two tod zhang pass level two gx86/2014 ->script>alert(flincllck)

Jerwen est presque pass et vous dit bonne nuit

PrimaMateria was here

Is this the supermarket?

is this the fuckin super market?

WhizzMan Hey guyz eye wuz ere

daft beat level 2

Shinxs is tha bawz kinine , son of pwn muffinman freefirex on the way UP :) !!! happy birthday socket1 !!! Metis was here --dg10--


alexd92 is here thanks to RD :) pikachu, i choose you Send an email to egg{6563794072646B3367772E786A6C} for more eggs! egg{c=u,d=t,e=y,g=r,j=o,k=n,l=m,r=i,w=d,x=c,y=b} MiningMarsh was here.

Zhida Zang have been here

@fheusel was here printesoi was here

->script type='text/javascript'> alert('It is fun'); window.location = 'http://news-eleven.com/';

T@codedit was here 5H1v4 was here youri was here

The 'dezra beat level one

ESCAMENOSFLAU was here Hugh Fishstick was here AlperThe0tt0 was here

nerro was here and pwnd level1



19.05.2014 n1x0n

mercluke eventually got here

Xathrya was here and pwnd level1

Matt was here frosteyes rulestail -n 100 tags gheor was here 'Zdravko Mami u srcu <3' kosani Mantis y0 That was it? elrafa estuvo aqui dc did something chromme just won yo asses Well, that was fun


IRobot was here Jesus Loves You

alperc92 was here..

->script>alert:(korabum was here)

The cake is a lie

e2718: See you on the other side

riga was here 6/16/2014

Swarmdeco was here

oele made it :D, cool game


Stoicbird was here Until the end, 20140627 f.alt.ninja
mubai34 passed here. 20140701

another one

*POOOOOUF*, ectopic

elmiguel was here again ishtu was here

large turds

from the forest and walking, i m e r


DeepZ3c was here redphone was here

Jfreegman 2014

xaocdete xaocdete_alt


samgtr was here

miako has passed level 1 dicks everywhere glitch has passes level 1 reanimus was here

my_zipper_is_caught .. ouch

Sling was here Polska by a tutaj. (c) Atrakcyjny Wuodzimierz



Darksaber member fyk was here and pwnd level1

ARed was here. Level 1 has been conquered mofos! My lovely hacker ladies: hit me up 708 280 6832

pect0ral dids it

->script>alert('D W H'); Elnaeth was here. Greetz from Down Under - Forge gTux was here

Abul Barquat Khan

supertaco was here as many others

iDesireJustice was here

Leonid Stepanenko made it 9.9.2014

s4my-h4ck3r was here BITCHES all the way from DZ_LNI

s4my-h4ck3r was here BITCHES all the way from DZ_LNI

dickbutt n3ko was here muh friends baby steps by faradox


Smashed your fkin stack

vuongbv was here

@hackerjae was here.

Aidielse was here

At some point in time between the previous guy and the next guy, ExpHP was here. Hooray! JESUS LOVES YOU ->script>alert('logicalway')

YO. WildfireXIII was here :)

ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists

sup shik

Wooohootail tags Zedenstein 14/10/14 Thanks for the tutorial, Bla! ~ KidKryptic

HELLO! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from: Kid Kryptic

YO YO YO ~ROFLcoptR ->script type="text/javascript">alert("chxx here!!!"); H3ll0 by S0m31B3tt3r I can basic objdump wow im such a fuckin hacker, beat level 1 Team No Name got the passcode

Aurelius was here and pwnd level1

let sleeping dogs lie

J was here. J beat level 1, with a little bit of help, but not a ton of help.

yubro was here and pwnd level1



PancakeStack was here :)

zniperr was here

345y... :D This is just the beginning -ajithps Insanity 2k14 bitches sengcy beat level1

Heltrix was here


VEDAAD OWNS taste victory - path0gen Len is the best catgirl| And so it begins -Kitties WrinkleFree was here! 4874lyf

philibusta dawg

...soulslayer was here ... i'm in your mums car


sparrow was here, matey

A sevillano was here s0l12 was here

screamer says hi

cheers! pillo

kbear was here


guest signed in

Le Ramireaux tait ici


This stupuid file broke my tty $\(balls\) $(balls) Lol at that guy ^ follow @dropcanco verr was here, 2014-12-29 http://chemvape.altervista.org/ http://chemvape.altervista.org/ Thymo was here :D such level, many radare, wow ~gr4yf0x HOLY HELL I TOTALLY GUESSED WHAT TO DO

Jazz was here

aPolo quiii

stato qui

Axtroz, 17.01.2015 Ryuuzaki was here!
unifyre was here

Arrizen was here

jepo23 was here bdeazy did it (with some help)

g3tsuga was here and pwnd level1 -- shout out to Geic0

@hughpearse was here
* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g g o / \ \ / \ o a| | \ | | a t| `. | | : t s` | | \| | s e \ | / / \\\ --__ \\ : e x \ \/ _--~~ ~--__| \ | x * \ \_-~ ~-_\ | * g \_ \ _.--------.______\| | g o \ \______// _ ___ _ (_(__> \ | o a \ . C ___) ______ (_(____> | / a t /\ | C ____)/ \ (_____> |_/ t s / /\| C_____) | (___> / \ s e | ( _C_____)\______/ // _/ / \ e x | \ |__ \\_________// (__/ | x * | \ \____) `---- --' | * g | \_ ___\ /_ _/ | g o | / | | \ | o a | | / \ \ | a t | / / | | \ |t s | / / \__/\___/ | |s e | / | | | |e x | | | | | |x

@deniszh was here and pwnd level1 Feb 8, 2015

BXY WAS HERE :) BXY WAS HERE :) script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+'; rickgeex 150210Ca 150210Ca$hWasHere let's get shit started someone please help me Thanh was here

SOANES was here and PWND level1



rea was here jpaglier.com chuck-sec was here Brutus-the-mage level1 from memory, lol

int3rr0rg8r was here

coffeeman was here and pwnd level1

Korgull was here wit hiz mad bash skillz to conqueror level1

khedron was here


shrucis1 is too pro 4 you

We rekt this problem

Chico was here and pwnd level1

Danilo was here

bmeneg was here

bmeneg was here

Don't fuck with me

tuxtrack \m/ hacknroll

i was here bibi

incandenza was here

Boots of Blinding Speed was here.

fiercedurianz from my

pew pew pew *stealth* eat those shrooms bitch! 53b0453e5c17a5a8033b967ff130111f76556d9cd451c4683132f626aeabe09d074a4d911f5a137c19c2f09219d796ba840d4f4552c157cdecab1af117097dac lv1 03.28.2015 bandi13 was here on 2015.04.1 Alcastr0niX

Reelix passed Level 1! Fluttershy is best pont :D

x40a0e was here

hi from bmf\!

nimrodd 4/8/2015 22:48


di sini dan pwnd level1

Neo was here


asqapro made it

Fat32 was here hohohoh

Seba was here _ _ ___ _ __ (_) ___ | |__ ___ / _ \ | '_ \ | | / __|| '_ \ / __| | (_) || | | || || (__ | | | |\__ \ \___/ |_| |_||_| \___||_| |_||___/ .:*`was here`*:. A tiny kitten was here I waz here <3 it's interesting. hi reznite

wooooo gotemboyz

wir haben 3 stunden f rs erste level gebraucht #elite #rwth jmullercuber was here UserX got it vim tags UserX got it !!! Greetz from pr4xis. Learning is fun. the loris was here ewoks were here

dblarons cracked level1


mcaniw did it

Superboyalpha was here


Do Ngoc Hai Dang was here and pwnd level1

->script>alert:('Do Ngoc Hai Dang was here')->script> ->script>alert('Do Ngoc Hai Dang was here');->script> ->script>alert('Do Ngoc Hai Dang was here'); ->script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='Do Ngoc Hai Dang was here';

sammyk was here and blasted level1!




~Rammo92 was here~

....................../ ....................,/ ../
........../'/.../..../......./ ........('(... ~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _. ............\..............(
->script>alert('TRathor was here->script>alert('TRathor was here!! BOBO #1 pwned level 1!!'); >> tags BOBO #1 pwned level 1!!');

TRathor was here! Completed Level1! BOBO #1 Judge_Dredd pwnd l1 w/ r2 ->script>alert(w00t w00t @cyberpunksec) level2 @hashtagcyber hundmannen

MOTHFUCKIN bread crumbs

Bayes was here\!


Stoicbird was here until the end 05292015, level01hexBlaster was here

Pwned by TheBugEater








bruteforce was here [41;33;01;05m201506181306 zacharias was here, too. tkz3r0 was here.

LuckyLuke was here

stephan was here

Pheo was here.

Galen figured it out\! stacksmasher_novice has reached level03 pr0n1s was here NullTester Hey Skip 09-07-2015 Pablitos was here 3.14159265348979323846264... Mike was here

d0wngrade was here, and attempting to clean this up...

d0wngrade was here, and attempting to clean this up...

The first level1 is Hacked BY 0xCc ..

level1 is Hacked BY He110W0rld ..

level1 is Hacked BY He110W0rld (^_^)..

He110W0rld Was Here..

THE RUBY RENEGADE was here 2015-07-13

knowing42 was here and passed level1

cipherman was here 19-07-15 Henkeur was here sup guyz 7/20/15 jimi was here abcdfdfd abcdfdfd kekekekfuzzyf10w was here >>> Wed Jul 22 17:39:31 BST 2015 <<< fuzzyf10w was here >>> Wed Jul 22 17:39:55 BST 2015 <<< WIN! 20150722 trinidad was here Darredevil was here SkunkOne was here


That's one long as fucking file man And king cucka munga was here (._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.) That's just how I roll.

armlessJohn was brutally here


0xD34F was here.

KRZYSZTOF was here
less style?
i cleaned up. you can thank me later



MonkeyWrenchGang - 08/07/2015 Vsl was here obnauticus was here

ANU815 was here and pwnd level1 --- signed ...

yo, dawg debuggers in level1? i am so screwed. carbunch was here jdcarew is in Grob Grod Gob Glob HAS TAKEN OVER THIS LEVEL Hello, w0ah

i have no idea how to html

guysgreat was here OoOoOooO

Real human bean...

Baha Baghdadi Was heeere


s3arch was here and pwnd level1

Bayram was here...

minight was here

The Jimeister did it, but not really, he had help

Nick here....

sudhackar was here sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
sudhackar was here
wow much hacks Brunn was here at Tue Sep 8 18:41:43 BST 2015


HomeSen was here

morpheus was here.

i did the thing! -ajm677

Iru says: Arch is the best!

ciospy was here.

trombipeti wuz here yay \n talmeeno @therealbmff was here V0dK nailed it I WAS HERE - THE BIT JUICE_TOOTH WAS HERE 2015.09.25 fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
%gt;%gt;%gt; Macro was here. %lt;%lt;%lt
>>> Macro was here. <<<

Jason IS awesome.


T'was a day to remember

Whisky was here H/-\1^25H was here

Redezra got here

pabserra was here

Stinky The Goat Is Awesomer Than Jason Visit @TheJackGoebel twitter account or you will turn into a hamster that eats gum under tables. \n\nheysup bobbskies\n\n bandilabs.com was here J0k3rG!rL W@5 H3r3!

J0k3rG!rL W@5 H3r3!

Flashbang pantherse was here

dudebro, i did itls

Laughlin, Max and Alex were here and Ruby too she was also here

alx was here

spoiasda rainbow was here hack the planet shazaum esteve aqui

shazaum esteve aqui

Heads up\!. Shazaum was here

I will be back.Bottom

Marcos Azevedo(a.k.a psylinux) was here.

Hi there Tim was here

Electric (HBH) was Here/ October 2015

Sjizo was here

DankRisotto was here

Damnit, It was way simpler than I was thinking. Just missed to take note of a sub instruction...

anticore says sup

killfile leveled up

j'ai russi le level1

pri.apocalypse was here! =D

ch40s3r is in the house! Hi pri, missing the valley? LANshark was here

RegularTwice was here 2

shai was here...have a good day

aac is back..

Gica was here man.

3ntr0py was here

wman197 was here

Pikami was here
SynergyAD wuz heeer ~~~~>>>>>
got here phUXor3R2 eppifoss lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala waz here .. rTheory .. KingCeasar was here ahreb was here

andres was here

strix was here pepzi was here xamnesiax 03/04/2016 - SoldierX

Idups was here and don't know why<\p>
lalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalaalla batman

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub


fyuw was here.

trojack absolutly cracked this shit

Ripper estuvo aqui


r0gu3b0x3r was here and pwnd level1

Hey Dudeeeee have a nice Day . ..:: [ electriCowboy ] ::.. . . ..:: [ ohw0rd [ ::.. .

soulrippper was here and pwnd level1


Gian Was Here



@jdiegopashura twitter

Misker I beat level01. -ThePixelHacker 04/25/2016 could do with more guidance well it is a challenge

coucou, tu te reconnais?

obsta hi xxx mrs BXY_HF Megaman Jack-in... EXECUTE

Eskimo Was Here

Jona was here yak


toaster: this is not level1. WimWam didn't event smash the stack... parsec was here

Phew, protosoul made it.

Jakob was here.

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

quin joc més interessant! rubikk

Nerth was hurrdurr


I'm da coolest

Cht w4z h3r3! nanowormer started here cheven

Otto Deng was here :)

chenjj was here too :)

卍 Alt was here 卍

marquee is stupid

qaf pwn

N000D was HERE?? N)))00D 1 LOOP TEST N)))00D 2 LOOP TEST N)))00D 3 LOOP TEST N)))00D 4 LOOP TEST N)))00D 5 LOOP TEST N)))00D 6 LOOP TEST N)))00D 7 LOOP TEST N)))00D 8 LOOP TEST N)))00D 9 LOOP TEST N)))00D 10 LOOP TEST N)))00D 11 LOOP TEST N)))00D 12 LOOP TEST N)))00D 13 LOOP TEST N)))00D 14 LOOP TEST N)))00D 15 LOOP TEST N)))00D 16 LOOP TEST N)))00D 17 LOOP TEST N)))00D 18 LOOP TEST N)))00D 19 LOOP TEST N)))00D 20 LOOP TEST N)))00D 21 LOOP TEST N)))00D 22 LOOP TEST N)))00D 23 LOOP TEST N)))00D 24 LOOP TEST N)))00D 25 LOOP TEST N)))00D 26 LOOP TEST N)))00D 27 LOOP TEST N)))00D 28 LOOP TEST N)))00D 29 LOOP TEST N)))00D 30 LOOP TEST N)))00D 31 LOOP TEST N)))00D 32 LOOP TEST N)))00D 33 LOOP TEST N)))00D 34 LOOP TEST N)))00D 35 LOOP TEST N)))00D 36 LOOP TEST N)))00D 37 LOOP TEST N)))00D 38 LOOP TEST N)))00D 39 LOOP TEST N)))00D 40 LOOP TEST N)))00D 41 LOOP TEST N)))00D 42 LOOP TEST N)))00D 43 LOOP TEST N)))00D 44 LOOP TEST N)))00D 45 LOOP TEST N)))00D 46 LOOP TEST N)))00D 47 LOOP TEST N)))00D 48 LOOP TEST N)))00D 49 LOOP TEST N)))00D 50 LOOP TEST N)))00D 51 LOOP TEST N)))00D 52 LOOP TEST N)))00D 53 LOOP TEST N)))00D 54 LOOP TEST N)))00D 55 LOOP TEST N)))00D 56 LOOP TEST N)))00D 57 LOOP TEST N)))00D 58 LOOP TEST N)))00D 59 LOOP TEST N)))00D 60 LOOP TEST N)))00D 61 LOOP TEST N)))00D 62 LOOP TEST N)))00D 63 LOOP TEST N)))00D 64 LOOP TEST N)))00D 65 LOOP TEST N)))00D 66 LOOP TEST N)))00D 67 LOOP TEST N)))00D 68 LOOP TEST N)))00D 69 LOOP TEST N)))00D 70 LOOP TEST N)))00D 71 LOOP TEST N)))00D 72 LOOP TEST N)))00D 73 LOOP TEST N)))00D 74 LOOP TEST N)))00D 75 LOOP TEST N)))00D 76 LOOP TEST N)))00D 77 LOOP TEST N)))00D 78 LOOP TEST N)))00D 79 LOOP TEST N)))00D 80 LOOP TEST N)))00D 81 LOOP TEST N)))00D 82 LOOP TEST N)))00D 83 LOOP TEST N)))00D 84 LOOP TEST N)))00D 85 LOOP TEST N)))00D 86 LOOP TEST N)))00D 87 LOOP TEST N)))00D 88 LOOP TEST N)))00D 89 LOOP TEST N)))00D 90 LOOP TEST N)))00D 91 LOOP TEST N)))00D 92 LOOP TEST N)))00D 93 LOOP TEST N)))00D 94 LOOP TEST N)))00D 95 LOOP TEST N)))00D 96 LOOP TEST N)))00D 97 LOOP TEST N)))00D 98 LOOP TEST N)))00D 99 LOOP TEST N)))00D 100 LOOP TEST

pwned by slevin


superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

appeltje kaasje was here h3ndr1k was here harambe was a ape god


Theraga was here bby

n0ps13d was here!

Harry Tuttle 2.0 was here

This text is editable


carp figured it out mostobriv was here

Dante was here

Lulcat Waz Here :>

sakura.ix86 was here and pwnd level1

maurice was here

earl! earl! earl!

xiano pnwd random stuff xiano october 2016 xiano == xixle

m1rynx was here

ggwp TenFuck was here

plankton was here

The Doctor was here

The Doctor was here

Doctor, Oct 2016

Doctor, Oct 2016

Goldstein was here.

nmogire was heea

Hawkheart was hereecho Hawkheart was here! Hawkheart was here 368a112e09face0aca0e210c14ace79e

SH3LLDOWN est passé par là et a réussi le level1

04/11/2016 => Poupoun was here :) like in ur mom

Alice was here and Hello at all level1

Azzeddine was here ;)

RTFM[ChOkO] :3 Sup Fellas!
raptor was here

FREHEL a réussi le level1

gg ez. Ezekiel93 was here!

test for my first tags

D3str0y3r M4l1b@r3s @nt0n1@

blackndoor was here keisatsu was here conjohn was here as well The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Everthemore - xC-x7E0

Function_GenkoS was here\!

Ritiek made it here on 15th December 2016. I love you all my friends! Good Luck!! Pratiek was here 15th December 2016

AlucardAtem just passed here

mypet was here Ithildin was here YaMee was there

AfNaS was here


★ PsyCrow was here ★

aidan was here Johneas was here Johneas was here 13/01/2017 davidbz was here Jakob was here :DDD



superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

We are all #l0st

I actually did it trainrex was here

Smite the Unbelievers ~Deyyvon

Bless us with high impact 3D expanded dong ~Tweva

Faust.the.Logician was here - 20170303

Draguve Was HEre fred cyan was here

DR4CU7 was here!

xnj4 was here, too 8-) SEMEN4ICK WAS HERE:: TISH TIDISH PO WOPE WLEP mtucx MtucX \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0

GAK was here

per tutti gli inclesi di merda sappiate che esistono bestemmie tipo porco dio e dio cane by francesco ferreri 130 porco dio si vola art

hyp was here

trirpi slacht straks iedereen af op de metapeen

trirpi was here ook

czb was here

bochev was here dr.virus was here! jm was here

InertFluid was here and pwnd level1

I don't wanna do this anymore/ I don't want to be the reason why!


Z3R0 ingrix_wuz_hur

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

mahloun did the level01

Gruma was here


Dr. Green was here

this is coreyzhu i amd here

O tarja preta passou por aqui


It took me fucking hour to stop searching vulns in system and go to /levels/ folder...
It is like Dark Souls - hard but interesting shit

dr0 pwn Pheelbert

Babby\'s first hack. smallmac woz \'ere 2k17

Babby's first hack. smallmac woz 'ere 2k17

Babby's first hack. smallmac woz 'ere 2k17

Babby's first hack. smallmac woz 'ere 2k17

Babby's first hack. smallmac woz 'ere 2k17

Look @ the fish <><

acidburn 2.0 was here

brnby was here janet snakehole was here praxis was here

Cam is chill

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

Lynxie was here :3

Ameer was here and have pwnd this machine! greetz from silentecho

AstroChimp was here

hi from columbia!! snuggles


worx was here 21.10.2017


Samir Ettali was here Categalli from italy e Millimec... Giustino is in da freezer oX b@b1 Hack was here and pwnd level1 mr.brantook was here Lov3 from no where

mr.brantook was here Lov3 from no where
Heads up\!. mr.brantook.vbs was here
cccccccccccccccc yes!

biz de buradaydik



serghj99_jb e'stato qui

wallace was here! Marburger Freilaurerloge reportiert ein!

Jake was here. Yay

Papa was here... or maybe he/she wasn't... who knows or cares?


is here Icecream95 wasn't here Whose mans is this Mark is present EPiC_Inc was here
The answer is: 42

v4char was here

tech96 was here

I have no idea what I am doing a

@nAm@k@ was here

mmmmm m # # mmm mmm mm#mm mmm mmm mmmm m m mmm mmm #mmmm" #" "# #" "# # #" " " # #" "# "m m m" " # # " # # # # # # # # m"""# # # #m#m# m"""# """m #mmmm" "#m#" "#m#" "mm "#mm" "mm"# ##m#" # # "mm"# "mmm" # " # # mm mmm m mm mmm #" # #" # #" " #" # # # #"""" # #"""" # # "#mm" # "#mm" Oddite wuz here

z3r0 was here and fucked this

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

Nutten Prellen



scilganon was here :)

ozymandias was here zer0tool: I do this for Aiur!

lothar rand was here and pwned level1. Achim war leider nicht da


Peleg was here


0myma \!

bastooman was here and pwnd level1

bastooman was here and pwnd level1


DemonoidV was here

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

Dazz was here, Dazz loves Lucas Espindola

Kuhl was here

sc00by finally figured it out! :D (inexperienced)

thaumavorio was here. thaumavorio è stato qui. thaumavorio war hier. thaumavorio hic erat. Mon 4 Jun 03:16:34 UTC 2018

V3SH3P was here. lolol

TheTurk was here

picklemanZ was here

Luc was here. Ci ho messo un po' ma sono qui: gSpera P.s.: W Unicode

follow @fugiefire

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ > hp197 <
junior was here

thvdburgt was here

0x41 was here

DamiFur made it to level2

 evilgroot was here 
Palash broke the wargame


parsec was here vod1 was here summer of 2018 brickd waz here! 0x00 was here (ya punks) gwynbleidd was here ▄▄▄▄ ██▓ ▄▄▄ ▄████▄ ██ ▄█▀ ██▓ ██▓ ▄████ ██░ ██ ▄▄▄█████▓ ▓█████▄ ▓██▒ ▒████▄ ▒██▀ ▀█ ██▄█▒ ▓██▒ ▓██▒ ██▒ ▀█▒▓██░ ██▒▓ ██▒ ▓▒ ▒██▒ ▄██▒██░ ▒██ ▀█▄ ▒▓█ ▄ ▓███▄░ ▒██░ ▒██▒▒██░▄▄▄░▒██▀▀██░▒ ▓██░ ▒░ ▒██░█▀ ▒██░ ░██▄▄▄▄██ ▒▓▓▄ ▄██▒▓██ █▄ ▒██░ ░██░░▓█ ██▓░▓█ ░██ ░ ▓██▓ ░ ░▓█ ▀█▓░██████▒▓█ ▓██▒▒ ▓███▀ ░▒██▒ █▄ ░██████▒░██░░▒▓███▀▒░▓█▒░██▓ ▒██▒ ░ ░▒▓███▀▒░ ▒░▓ ░▒▒ ▓▒█░░ ░▒ ▒ ░▒ ▒▒ ▓▒ ░ ▒░▓ ░░▓ ░▒ ▒ ▒ ░░▒░▒ ▒ ░░ ▒░▒ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ▒ ▒▒ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ░▒ ▒░ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ▒ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░▒░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ░ ░░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░░ ░ ░ ░ ░░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░

▀█████████▄   ▄█          ▄████████  ▄████████    ▄█   ▄█▄  ▄█        ▄█     ▄██████▄     ▄█    █▄        ███     
  ███    ███ ███         ███    ███ ███    ███   ███ ▄███▀ ███       ███    ███    ███   ███    ███   ▀█████████▄ 
  ███    ███ ███         ███    ███ ███    █▀    ███▐██▀   ███       ███▌   ███    █▀    ███    ███      ▀███▀▀██ 
 ▄███▄▄▄██▀  ███         ███    ███ ███         ▄█████▀    ███       ███▌  ▄███         ▄███▄▄▄▄███▄▄     ███   ▀ 
▀▀███▀▀▀██▄  ███       ▀███████████ ███        ▀▀█████▄    ███       ███▌ ▀▀███ ████▄  ▀▀███▀▀▀▀███▀      ███     
  ███    ██▄ ███         ███    ███ ███    █▄    ███▐██▄   ███       ███    ███    ███   ███    ███       ███     
  ███    ███ ███▌    ▄   ███    ███ ███    ███   ███ ▀███▄ ███▌    ▄ ███    ███    ███   ███    ███       ███     
▄█████████▀  █████▄▄██   ███    █▀  ████████▀    ███   ▀█▀ █████▄▄██ █▀     ████████▀    ███    █▀       ▄████▀   
             ▀                                   ▀         ▀                                                      

▀█████████▄   ▄█          ▄████████  ▄████████    ▄█   ▄█▄  ▄█        ▄█     ▄██████▄     ▄█    █▄        ███     
  ███    ███ ███         ███    ███ ███    ███   ███ ▄███▀ ███       ███    ███    ███   ███    ███   ▀█████████▄ 
  ███    ███ ███         ███    ███ ███    █▀    ███▐██▀   ███       ███▌   ███    █▀    ███    ███      ▀███▀▀██ 
 ▄███▄▄▄██▀  ███         ███    ███ ███         ▄█████▀    ███       ███▌  ▄███         ▄███▄▄▄▄███▄▄     ███   ▀ 
▀▀███▀▀▀██▄  ███       ▀███████████ ███        ▀▀█████▄    ███       ███▌ ▀▀███ ████▄  ▀▀███▀▀▀▀███▀      ███     
  ███    ██▄ ███         ███    ███ ███    █▄    ███▐██▄   ███       ███    ███    ███   ███    ███       ███     
  ███    ███ ███▌    ▄   ███    ███ ███    ███   ███ ▀███▄ ███▌    ▄ ███    ███    ███   ███    ███       ███     
▄█████████▀  █████▄▄██   ███    █▀  ████████▀    ███   ▀█▀ █████▄▄██ █▀     ████████▀    ███    █▀       ▄████▀   
             ▀                                   ▀         ▀                                                      

▀█████████▄   ▄█          ▄████████  ▄████████    ▄█   ▄█▄  ▄█        ▄█     ▄██████▄     ▄█    █▄        ███     
  ███    ███ ███         ███    ███ ███    ███   ███ ▄███▀ ███       ███    ███    ███   ███    ███   ▀█████████▄ 
  ███    ███ ███         ███    ███ ███    █▀    ███▐██▀   ███       ███▌   ███    █▀    ███    ███      ▀███▀▀██ 
 ▄███▄▄▄██▀  ███         ███    ███ ███         ▄█████▀    ███       ███▌  ▄███         ▄███▄▄▄▄███▄▄     ███   ▀ 
▀▀███▀▀▀██▄  ███       ▀███████████ ███        ▀▀█████▄    ███       ███▌ ▀▀███ ████▄  ▀▀███▀▀▀▀███▀      ███     
  ███    ██▄ ███         ███    ███ ███    █▄    ███▐██▄   ███       ███    ███    ███   ███    ███       ███     
  ███    ███ ███▌    ▄   ███    ███ ███    ███   ███ ▀███▄ ███▌    ▄ ███    ███    ███   ███    ███       ███     
▄█████████▀  █████▄▄██   ███    █▀  ████████▀    ███   ▀█▀ █████▄▄██ █▀     ████████▀    ███    █▀       ▄████▀   
             ▀                                   ▀         ▀                                                      



ajkali was here and pwnd level1

_NulL777_ was Herenano tags ! X)

lock was here Alex was here :)

Muhammadali Was HERE

Muhammadali Was HERE

Sudipto Ghosh just pwned level01 Sudipto Ghosh just pwned level02 dRh0uSe was here. Nov 18, 2018. LateBinder was here

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

Hugo Prudente

H3110 fr0m s311c0d3r

mou muri..

Mike was here D:

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

1Holz was here and pwnd level1

Got it

... and buko ...

@vishnuvp was here

rohan_sh Sharmaji ka launda

greetz from ZERO COOL du Muggel

techyajay is here ,,,,,,,,,J,,eew,,,,,,,,, ]####WM%""7777""""""""""^77"77%W@##p ##b "#Q @# "## j## %#, @# @#~ ]## @m 7@#me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, *m @w @#b shokinn "@m '"|"""""""""""""""""77%%Mw,%m %#p @m @#b was '""%%%%%WWWWWWWMMMMMMMMMM###Mm,@m7#Q7#Q @Q ]#b here a#########################MMMmg@##Q@b^#pj### j#b ^^ ,##C^ ,,,eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee#@###M#b@###@# j#Q ##" ]#b"^`|||' ''''.~||||||||@#######M",a#M;# ## @#C ## ## ,,J,e###M|;#M #b @#b ,#M' ## ,## "7""|`',###",## j###,, |, ^, ,,,,a##b eM####M7 ,##M "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW%| ,,e##Ma#, ^`;Mm @#Q ,###b @##m,,,,e ##M'@# ##'|"7"" ##~ @# ## ## #b #b #b ]#- ,#M ##;##| W#WM%]#b @# ]#b @#Q "%b

fuchs is here 2019

George does not like this. Not one bit.

hello ralptheninja starting his ctf journey, cheers everyone! jimmy waz ere

ᛏᛅᚢᛦ ᚠᛁ
ᛏᛅᚢᛁᛅ ᚠᚱᚬᛏᛦ
ᛏᛅᚢᛦ ᛋᛁᛅᛚᚠᛦ ᛁᛏ ᛋᛅᛘᛅ
ᛁᚴ ᚢᛅᛁᛏ ᛅᛁᚾ
ᛅᛏ ᛅᛚᛏᚱᛁ ᛏᛅᚢᛦ
ᛏᚢᛘᛦ ᚢᛒ ᛏᛅᚢᚦᛅᚾ ᚼᚢᛅᚱᚾ

Douglas is having fun, thanks!

ToxicParadise here

Valar Dohaeris AAA

DzikiChrzan for the win


Windex Michael from Seattle was here! Hi Mom! ibak was here and pwnd level1 Sapessi was heeeeeeeere Eclypsium intern

big flo et mamoune


KEVINUNGER was here!

NotMe was here. KusKus chaosad was here dedi_tom was passing by ... xentrick 1 187 Strassenbande und Lucic waren hier! shalom Ronkiro was here Ronkiro was here

here is foxyschmoxi

ankcrimson was herels

samir was here Oh damn... that actually worked Fuego a la yuta PROJECT NIR! SIGMATAU gju was here

Ivoschyk was here ^_^

imemymine c4tdog

angeling was herels /home/level1


Matters of great concern should be treated lightly. Matters of small concern should be treated seriously.

Kyong, 29. September 2019


KONG was here! Coucou toi Youre not Absolem, Im Absolem.

BlackHole was here and pwnd level1

learning a lot :)

Hello from pema99

testchiro13 was here

Chiro13 was here and pwnd level1

random99 was here and pwnd level1

MiguelE was here and pwnd level1

The C0rvidae was here Oct 18, 2019

Chiro13 was here

S--D, 20OCT19


Cuba was here

l0gic4rch3r was here and pwnd level1


penile consumption

pfl: sali du wotsch chli malibu?

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

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Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

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Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

*****C4M130 W4S H3R3*****
Xtazy was here
pwnd lvl1 by xx|X
eSh. +ok b>
troker was here

cyberturtle was here

jackhandy: wis+1

Cabez was here (+297)

~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- sutupud ~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+-~-+- ->script>for(var sloppyJoes = 0; sloppyJoes < 10; sloppyJoes++){alert(loading reverse shell...);} alert(card declined, damnit); ez game ez life death to svoboda + right sector fascists script type='text/javascript'>document.body.innerHTML='_+_+_+_+_+';

pwned by slevin

!function(){function n(n,e,t){return n.getAttribute(e)||t}function e(n){return document.getElementsByTagName(n)}function t(){var t=e("script"),o=t.length,i=t[o-1];return{l:o,z:n(i,"zIndex",-1),o:n(i,"opacity",.5),c:n(i,"color","99,99,99"),n:n(i,"count",99)}}function o(){c=u.width=window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth,a=u.height=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight}function i(){l.clearRect(0,0,c,a);var n,e,t,o,u,d,x=[w].concat(y);y.forEach(function(i){for(i.x+=i.xa,i.y+=i.ya,i.xa*=i.x>c||i.x<0?-1:1,i.ya*=i.y>a||i.y<0?-1:1,l.fillRect(i.x-.5,i.y-.5,1,1),e=0;e=n.max/2&&(i.x-=.03*o,i.y-=.03*u),t=(n.max-d)/n.max,l.beginPath(),l.lineWidth=t/2,l.strokeStyle="rgba("+m.c+","+(t+.2)+")",l.moveTo(i.x,i.y),l.lineTo(n.x,n.y),l.stroke()));x.splice(x.indexOf(i),1)}),r(i)}var c,a,u=document.createElement("canvas"),m=t(),d="c_n"+m.l,l=u.getContext("2d"),r=window.requestAnimationFrame||window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame||window.oRequestAnimationFrame||window.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(n){window.setTimeout(n,1e3/45)},x=Math.random,w={x:null,y:null,max:2e4};u.id=d,u.style.cssText="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:"+m.z+";opacity:"+m.o,e("body")[0].appendChild(u),o(),window.onresize=o,window.onmousemove=function(n){n=n||window.event,w.x=n.clientX,w.y=n.clientY},window.onmouseout=function(){w.x=null,w.y=null};for(var y=[],s=0;m.n>s;s++){var f=x()*c,h=x()*a,g=2*x()-1,p=2*x()-1;y.push({x:f,y:h,xa:g,ya:p,max:6e3})}setTimeout(function(){i()},100)}();

Woo! Jack woz 'ere - Tue Dec 04 2018 13:52:01 GMT+0000 (GMT)

EOF Object.defineProperty(this, alert, { value: function(x){console.log(someone tried to alert this: +x)}, writable:false }) Falcon/SCS was here Level2

root@localhost ~ # pragmata was here.

pragmata was here follow @fugiefire on twitter follow @Iraimasamune on twitter :) MECHA was here,just for learing!

Rias was here and beat level 1 with ease

lol haha yes I am a boss. -Brendan




cmac was here yoyo

roomsaver wuz here

Sapientiae was here 2020


M was here

é nois BR pourra eu estive aqui ganhei do level1

MegaBoomBlaster esteve aqui...

Remember the name - x0k3r

belusic was here too :D

_>Death.server was here (^~^)

hellmarker was here

Blacksun was here. May the lights shine upon you, and stay safe.

Licfer haills

Licfer haills

Licfer haills


belko was here

belko was here

HerrWaldgott powned Younano tags

HerrWaldgott powned You

Nooneye pwned level1

seed was here

pratham was here

znohunl 2020-06-04 Morphius was in your mother S.A. Inc was here =) Celine stupid bitch. And you know it =) Celine stupid bitch. And you know it =) Celine stupid bitch. And you know it =)

Nah fam

1 Hello everybody

Hello everybody

s1nn105 hey everyone, grasshopper b9ek

Terrusltime à réussi le niveau 1 rvdm was here

어느 항구를 향해 가는지 모른다며 어떤 바람도 순풍이 될 수 없다


Fab was here and pwnd level1


Ulrich Berntien was here and pwnd level2, 2020-10-28

I completed the first level. Yay -- AnonHacker

ArchLinux Be A Great Man , FUCK WORLD , [https://t.me/Arch_linux7063]

Kanye West was here MAKE AMERICA BETTER KANYE 2024

jeboy pwnd level1

just for fun instagram.com/temabadhi

NITROIX WAS HERE Pitust was here dot. noe mitball var her under eksamens-oving 17-12-2020 carta balla!

Tron_Leg was here and pwnd level1

Tron_Leg was here and pwnd level1

Tron_Leg was here and pwnd level1

i7heaven was here and pwned level1 7heaven was here and pwned level1 gnunez was here :-p

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

test alert('IO...IO...IO...woohoovim tags ')

I came, I saw, I conquered

contes was here


leephil was here, 12/04/2021, The adventure will go on

j0eii was here.
sucaminchi di eva

Asaf Henig was here on the way to improve my research capabilities to my skillset

SmilingRe was here

JS JUST PWND LVL01 ## ## # # # # # # # #### why is everyone putting html tags in a text file

superleetzor was here and pwnd level1

necrotechno was here 20211124

133nson here hacked by 133nson

2/12/2021 so lonely :(

gosueep gosueep was here

danb was here

thoth was here

L̷̛̫̩͑̍̑̉͆̊̉͗̽̇́̏͐̀͒̓̆̓̎͑̽́̂̿̈́̐͑̄̅̅̋̿̐̿̍͘̚̕͠a̶̡̨̧̛̱̗͎͇̜̰͇̣͍͔̤̠̟̻̪̟͔͇̼̱͙͎͉̦͖̲̭̜̰͎̼̠̻̝͔͈̯̪̠̫̝̙͚̍̓̈́̒̎̒̃̃̍̅̿̿̓͌͑̅̈̽͊̂̓̒̀́̈̀̾͌̓́̎͋̒̄̈́̕͘͘̚͜͜͝͝͠͝ͅĭ̵̧̢̡̛̛̼͈͓̠͖̙̜̩̲̟͎̖̲͙̫̩͎̰̭̺̻̞̖͓͇̼̹̖̪̟̱͚̭̲͚͖̞̼͚͉̻͙̲̩̑͛̒̈́̊̓̏̉̈̿̄͗͑͌́́̄̀̌̀̈́̃͒̇̒͋̊̅͗͗͒̾̒̑̅̒̔̿̕͘̚̚͠͝n̷̡̛̯̟̏̈̉͘͜͝ ̶̢̨̛͕̥͉̻̺͖͙̹̣̱͚̜̲͎̼͉̀̿́̀͂̈́̽̿̽̽̂̃̈́̌͒̍́͌̈́͛́̀̐̎͒̂͑̄́͒͆̎̊̃̃̐̔̃̍̈̇̏͘̚͘͝͠ͅw̷̧̢̨͍̥̻̪̫̟̫̥̼̺̼͓͎͙̱̼͉̗̤̥͐́̈́̄̂̋̆͋̿̈́̽̈́͂̓̇̀̍͊͌̈̋́̊̋͌͌̚̕͘͜͠͠ͅä̴̧̢̢̢̘̞̗̝̟̫̱̭̳̯̳̳͎̹̘̟̻̯͇̱́̀͛̋͆̓̐̀͆͘̚ͅͅs̷̪̜̃͒̈́́̏̑͋̎̈̀͆̒͘̕̚ ̸̨̨̘̥̬̩͖̘̖̖̗͍̥͕͎̩͖̥̲̫́͊͜ͅͅh̸̡̻̝̼̞̘̱̳̖̱̱̿̄͂̓̂͋͌̏̿̿̈̽͂̂̈́̀͐̉͂͂̍̉͋̋͒̅͘͠ę̴͖̞̹̹̻̘̙͙̖͍̰̟̺͙͔̠͛ͅr̶̨͉̲̯͈̘̥͓̦̝̺̺̲̭̱̰̥̲̬̉͗͂̉̇̀̃͐̇͗̔͗̆͆͋̓̍̓͘͘ͅe̵̡̳͇̮̲̎̊͋̂̄̔̕̚͘


Timisoara te iubesc!

Hackerii din Sannicolau Mare 25/01/2022


this file is no longer valid HTML :( hacker

it was easy tryhackme profile

snooze was here \(^~^)/ Mon Mar 28 23:10:31 BST 2022 I alukard himself was here. Know and rest ezzy in consience that you have awanken a storm wich will surpase all. PS: bro chatch me if you can. I think I did it D4.v3 was here LOL un1x the pwn3r ███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗███╗ ██╗████████╗ █████╗ ████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██╔════╝ ██╔════╝████╗ ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗ ██╔████╔██║███████║██║ ███╗█████╗ ██╔██╗ ██║ ██║ ███████║ ██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║██║ ██║██╔══╝ ██║╚██╗██║ ██║ ██╔══██║ ███████╗██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║╚██████╔╝███████╗██║ ╚████║ ██║ ██║ ██║███████╗ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝ GitHub: https://github.com/0Magenta0 t4t1 was here 29.05.22

User Semtex has earned the achievement: Getting Started

lodsb was here YoRHa - Glory to Mankind


pwned by w3kuz

Vespu was here, nice!


Solved. ~killa_00

I did it, I'm polygone baybeeeeee


"FurryYsul" Hello from KRLWYWKYGBNHAV2BN4FA Rat Goddess of Vengeance


V was here Yo

Semtex was here and blew up level1

_____ ________ ________________ __ / ___// ____/ |/ /_ __/ ____/ |/ / \__ \/ __/ / /|_/ / / / / __/ | / ___/ / /___/ / / / / / / /___ / | /____/_____/_/ /_/ /_/ /_____//_/|_|

Here I am Nam

54k iz here, booooy! _>death.server

strider was here

zitmod continuer

Fantom v igre (-_-)

-- spambulance forgot everything he knew about gdb 25 years ago but somehow still made it here on 230728 --

Gouki was here

No matter where you go, everyone is connected tzlil was here. lets all love lain

i was here

i was here


Happy_Guy was here and pwnd level2 at 25/9/2023

John Deer was here.The Level2 is solved.

virusspec..the best name

W0W is here and pwn the level1

atrioc ksb was here 23-12-17 I am back Yco was there mother fucker is here baolong was here :3 meka 0wned the first stagecat ../level1/README

toast was here

Where was this when I was in school? This is fun. (Charles was here) - 2024-02-17 What a bloody mess, let's have a tidy AtreidesNuts was here, THE BITS MUST FLOW ::2024:: OnlySmartSumX was here ::2024::chimera

ebrill was here and pwnd level1

AD CAELUM ASTRA. 23/05/2024

Karim0x1 was here - 2024-06-05 #FreePalestine


Maomeh_III esteve aqui e explorou o level1! Brinca

Gouki was here

victorious was here and pwnd level1

that is me

p0p was here\!


MiniPapa alexxaaa was here!